8/ doubt

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I wake up sometime around four thirty the next morning, and realize how hungry I am. So, I get up, put my marvel hat on backwards, and tiptoe downstairs quietly.

I freeze in my steps when I hear someone walking around in the kitchen. On my way down here, I walked by Jared's room and the door was open, but him and Gen were fast asleep in there. The footsteps from the kitchen are too loud to be one of Jared's kids.

What if it's a burglar, or a robber, or a murderer?

These thoughts all cross my mind, causing fear to ripple through me. I hear the footsteps coming towards me, so I hide behind the kitchen door. As soon as the door opens, I swing my fist forward hard into the person's face.

"Son of a bitch," he mumbles, holding his face, and I instantly regret what I did. I swear, for a second it was Dean Winchester who I punched in the face.

"Jensen?" I ask, feeling terrible already.

"Uh-huh," he says, and I sigh in relief because it's not a burglar or something.

"It's four in the morning! What the hell are you doing here?" I ask, trying to keep my voice low so I don't wake anyone up. He doesn't really answer, so I just groan a little in frustration and pull him into the kitchen. Surprisingly, he doesn't say anything.

"There's ice in the freezer over there," he says, still holding his face and he sits down at the counter. I go over to the freezer and get him an ice pack and wrap a paper towel around it so it won't be too cold against his face. "That was one hell of a punch," he says as I hand him the ice pack.

"You know, you shouldn't be complimenting me, you should be mad at me, I just punched you." I feel even more guilty as I see a bruise starting to form on his left cheekbone. He doesn't say anything else, so I continue. "I'm sorry, I thought they were getting robbed or something," I say, staring at the ground.

"It's okay, Charlie," he says. "You should just go back to bed." I really don't want to, considering that he doesn't sound okay still. However, I cannot think of anything else to say, so I listen to him and go back upstairs.



I hear a small voice saying my name, but I don't really pay attention to it. I'm way too busy sleeping.

"Charlie, you have to wake up!" I manage to crack an eye open and see Jared's son, Thomas, standing there next to my bed. When we got home from dinner last night, I talked to him a little bit. It amazes me how much all of these kids look so much like their parents.

"Five more minutes, bub," I murmur, turning over and burying my face in my pillow. It is too early to be out of bed and functioning and being productive. I'd much rather sleep all day.

"Come on, dad said we're going to the mall today," he says, before I hear him rush out of my room and down the stairs. I smile a little and turn to lay on my back, glancing at my watch and realizing it's eight o'clock already.

I rub my eyes and get out of bed, walking around my room as I try to get around the boxes without tripping. I unpacked almost everything last night, but the boxes were still scattered around my bed.

I find clean clothes and my towel, going into my bathroom and getting ready to go to the mall.

It only takes about a half hour for me to get ready to go. I put my hat on backwards, put my phone in my pocket, and hang my blue wireless headphones around my neck.

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