11/ stressed out

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I don't go downstairs the next morning when I smell breakfast. I'm not hungry and I don't really feel like talking to anyone today. I'm not sure why, but I feel sad and a bit depressed. Maybe it's because of what Jason said to me last night, but I shouldn't be this upset about that. I mean, I just met him a mere three days ago.

So now, I'm laying on my bed re-reading City of Glass. I recently read the first two books in the Mortal Instruments series again, so why not read this one, too?

"Charlie?" I don't have to look up to know that it's Jared in the doorway. "Breakfast is ready."

"I'm not hungry," I say, my voice devoid of any emotion. I keep my eyes locked on the book in front of me instead of looking up at Jared. I'm not even one hundred percent sure why I'm feeling like this today, I have absolutely no excuse for it. But most days I can't explain my feelings, so I'm not surprised.

"Okay, well, we're going to be gone all day." This caught my attention, so I look up at him curiously. "We're going to a friend's house, for a birthday party. Do you want to come?"

"No," I say simply, because I am not in the mood to meet other people and have them judge me before they even know me, because that is what happens every time I step foot outside.

"Okay," he responds, and then he shuts the door, and I hear him walking down the stairs. I spend the next half hour reading, then I hear the car start outside, so I shut my book and bring it downstairs with me. Seeing that no one is in the house, I plant myself on the couch and open my book again, returning to the spot I was at.

I look up as I hear the door open again, and see Gen come in, holding a credit card or something.

"Here," she says, holding it out to me. I look at it in confusion and furrow my eyebrows, looking up at her. "I don't want you to sit in the house all day, so go buy yourself some clothes." I raise my eyebrows and shake my head.

"I don't need any clothes."

"Come on, Charlie," she tries. "There's five thousand dollars on this card. Just please go out and do something." With that, she leaves the house, also leaving me very confused. What the hell am I supposed to do with five thousand dollars?

I mean, I know a lot of things I could do with it, but it's not my money, so I'll probably only end up spending around two hundred of it. Then again, I might not go out at all, considering I absolutely hate shopping, and if I was to go, I would hate to go alone.

I get up off the couch, marking my page in the book and leaving it on the table as I go outside and walk around the huge driveway. Since the first time I saw it, I've been wondering why it doesn't have a basketball hoop.

Suddenly, an idea comes to my mind. I pull out my phone and call Haley, praying to God that she will answer because she is my only friend here besides Jason, and I'm pretty sure he won't want to talk to me right now.

"Hey," she answers.

"Hey, you want to go shopping?"


"Why in hell did she just give you five thousand dollars?!?" Haley asks as we look for a decent-looking, cheap basketball hoop. "You are a sixteen year old fangirl! Does she have any idea how quickly you could go through all of that?" I laugh.

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