1/ wake me up when september ends

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(Authors note- I'm naming the chapters after songs :)

I glance at the clock once again, feeling as if time is frozen. Yep, I am going to be stuck in English class forever. I will never grow old, I will never find love, and I'll never have the house with the white picket fence. All because the stupid clock in the stupid English classroom on a stupid Thursday would not hit three.

I tend to be over-dramatic about things. One of the perks of having anxiety.

"Hey, Charlie," my super annoying best friend Mason says. I tear my eyes away from the clock for a second to see what she wants. "Did you watch the season eleven finale last week?" I lower my eyebrows. She knows me well enough to know that in the past three years, I have never missed an episode of Supernatural.

"Is the day long?" I reply, quite literally finding the day hellishly long. I tap my fingers along the desk quickly, something I used to do all the time as a kid. Finally, the bell rings. I don't think I've ever jumped up from my seat that fast. As I get to the door, the teacher stops me.

"Charlie, they need to see you in the office." I internally groan and walk to the office, trying not to run into anyone on the way there. It's like a herd of cattle at the end of the day. Mason catches up to me eventually. "Whatcha doing?" She asks, her voice all high pitched and happy that it's the end of the day.

"I have to go to the office," I mutter, trying to focus on not tripping over anyone. "You can go home. I'll call you later." She doesn't say anything else, just hurries off towards the front doors. I roll my eyes and hesitantly step into the principal's office. My eyes widen a little as I see three police officers standing in front of the desk.

I stay frozen in the doorway. What did I do? I must've did something. Something must've happened. What happened? "Charlie Hannigan?" One of them asks. My hands begin to shake, so I clench them into fists at my side.


"I regret to inform you that...you're mother was in a car crash." Okay, so, upon hearing this news, I probably should be sad or angry or something, but I don't feel any of those things. "She died, Charlie." I know what you're probably thinking. I'll cry over the death of my favorite fictional character but I won't shed a tear over my dead mother? That's pretty cold.

It's not, though. Instead of feeling all of these things, I go completely numb. All the sounds around me become distorted, and it gets hard to find reality again. I can only faintly hear the officers apologizing for my loss and offering me a ride home and asking if I'm okay.

I stay unmoving, finding it difficult to even breathe. One of them walks over and takes me gently by the elbow, helping me out to his car. I don't have the energy to protest. I just stay silent in the passenger seat the whole way home.

When we get home, the nice cop comes inside with me and explains a bunch of stuff about my mom's funeral and stuff in her will. It was very hard to pay attention, though. After explaining everything, he didn't look as if he thought I was listening, which I wasn't. He said he will have another officer come by later to 'check on me', and then he left a note on the counter with something written on it.

After he leaves, the phone starts ringing. Of course, I'm still lost in my own thoughts, so I let the machine get it.

"Charlie, pick up the damn phone," Mason says, irritated. When I don't answer immediately, she goes on and on. "I heard about your mom, and I want to talk to you." Another pause. "Okay, that's it, if you don't pick up in five seconds, I'm coming over. One, two, three, four—"

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