33/ believe

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This chapter will be written in third person.


     "Is she going to be okay?"

     The nurse gave Jason Hart a doubtful glance, which seemed to say, we don't know yet. Jason tried not to cringe, but he couldn't really help it.

     Over the past month and a half, he has allowed himself to fall in love with Charlie Hannigan. He was so sure that nothing could go wrong, that this relationship would be secure and long lasting.

     But, he was wrong. He knew that there was a problem, that something was happening to Charlie that was the complete opposite of good, but every time he tried to confront her about it, she brushed it off, like she was fine and it meant nothing to her.

     Jason does not understand why she did this or what kind of evil she sees in herself. All that he sees in her is pure perfection, nothing else. It upsets him to discover that she thinks otherwise.

     Now, Jason lays by her bed, nearly fifteen hours after finding her in her truck by the gas station. He immediately took her to the hospital afterwards, and stayed awake all night in the waiting room, waiting for the doctors to give him any information.

     It was not until this morning that they allowed him to see her. By that time, Jared and Genevieve and everyone else was in the waiting room as well, patiently waiting for any news.

     Jared was shocked when he discovered the broken mirror and suicide note. Well, Gen found it first, at which point, she immediately retrieved her husband and made sure her children stayed away from the glass.

     In Charlie's room, she still lay unconscious in the bed while Jason sits next to her, a tear slipping down his face. He holds her hand, which is surprisingly cold. Normally when he held her hand, it was unusually warm, sometimes even a bit sweaty. Jason didn't mind that, though. He figured it was because she was nervous, which he found cute.

     Jason often found himself thinking about his future, and he liked the idea of Charlie being with him there. He sometimes even imagined what their wedding would be like, and their children. He got little goosebumps when he imagined Charlie in a long white dress with her hair tied up beautifully.

     All of these hopes and dreams went halfway out the window when Jason found his girlfriend trying to kill herself. He still is unable to fully wrap his head around it.

     "Please, wake up," he whispers, placing a tender kiss on Charlie's hand. He watches her face, but her eyes do not open and her mouth does not move. "Charlie?" He tries desperately once again, but fails. He sighs deeply as he runs his hand through his hair nervously.

     "Okay, I don't know if you can hear me or not," Jason starts, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "But I need you to stay. I love you. There are a about a dozen people out in the waiting room, and they're waiting for you to wake up—" A lump forms in his throat and he stops talking, trying to swallow it down.

     The door opens quietly and Jason turns his head, watching as Jared steps inside with a sad look on his face. Jason swallows and looks back to Charlie, wiping a hand across his face.

     "You feeling any better?" Jared asks, attempting to start a conversation. Though Charlie spent a great amount of time with Jason, Jared had not really properly met him before this.

     "No," Jason replies simply, rubbing his thumb over Charlie's knuckles. Jared gives him a sympathetic look as he sits down at Charlie's other side. "Do you think she'll be alright?" Jason asks, hoping that Jared is more hopeful than him. However, Jared's expression proves that he feels the same way as Jason does.

     "I hope," he answers. He shrugs, clasping his hands together and looking at Charlie fully for the first time. He has not really had the chance to see her since he got there. "I want to be able to help her. I'm just afraid she doesn't want help." Jason nods in agreement, but cringes too, at the realization.

     "Did she say anything to you about this?" Jared asks. Jason shakes his head.

     "No, but I knew something was wrong," he answers. "When I tried to talk to her about it, she seemed uncomfortable, and then she would change the subject before I could say anything else about it." Jared nods. "Did you know?"

     "Kind of," he replies. "I tried to talk about it, but then you came and picked her up, for the date. But, I don't think she would have said anything anyways." Jason lets his head fall as he rubs his hand across it again.

     Jared sighs and gets up quietly, patting Jason on the shoulder on his way out, "I'll leave you alone for a little while, okay?" Jason nods and Jared walks away, shutting the door behind him to leave Jason alone.


     "Is this Mason Greene?"

     The girl at the other end of the line groans in frustration, "I'm going to ask you one more time: where the hell did you get this number?!?" Jason sighs, leaning his head against the door frame.

     "This is Jason Hart," he explains, but Mason does not seem to know what he's talking about. "Charlie's boyfriend?"

     "Oh!" Mason exclaims as realization strikes her. She face palms and blushes in embarrassment, but it's not like he can see it. "Why are you calling me?" Mason asks, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

     "Charlie's in the hospital."

     "What?!?" Mason practically screeches.

     "Uh, last night, Charlie tried to...kill herself," Jason explains quietly, cringing at the same time Mason gasps loudly. "She's in the hospital now, and the doctors aren't sure if she'll wake up."

     "Oh, my god," Mason replies and she sounds as if she has already started crying. "Uh, yeah, okay, I'll be there in a few hours." She hangs up immediately, and Jason puts his phone back in his pocket.

     An hour ago, Jason left Charlie's room, allowing everyone else a chance to visit with her as he took a walk outside to try and clear his head. However, the warm summer air was doing nothing to help him. He was far too worried about Charlie.

     When she wakes up, if she wakes up, Jason will do everything to assure Charlie that she is loved and needed. Because the fact is that she is needed. She is able to light up Jason's day by just being there, regardless of the mood she is in.

     Also, she is wonderful with children, whether it be Jason's little sister, Peter Hill, or Jared's kids. They all adore her as if she were the queen of everything.

     It is a good thing that these kids are not fully aware of what is happening with Charlie, or what she is going through. They would be absolutely crushed if they found out about this.

     Jason walks along the sidewalk, heading back for the hospital. Just being away from her, even while she is unconscious, makes his heart ache.

     She has to wake up.

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