Chapter 9

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"This is your town!!? It looks more like a fortress!" Said the kid in awe

It only took a few hours riding back to jungle town.
Since I had been left, Reece had been busy.

The town now covered most of the field which was about 5 football fields in size.

The walls were taller and thicker and at every corner of the wall were huge watchtowers.

The town care had been rebuilt and it looked a lot stronger than before.

As I rode through the gate Reece saw us and ran up to us.
"Hey Ben! So I made the walls bigger and made some watchtowers like you asked." He said proud of himself.

"Yeah! It looks awesome, I want you to meet...." I don't know his name!
"Danny" said the kid.
"Yeah Danny! He is going to be your apprentice, if you train him up, than the two of you can build the town faster." I said to Reece.

And he liked the idea.

"Harry is around here somewhere, I'll get him to show you all the new things I added the the town today."
Reece said and we all started walking to even bigger town hall.
"I also added another story to the town hall" added Reece.

--------3 minutes later ---------

"Welcome back!" Said Harry when he saw us enter the town hall.

"Thanks, so what's been happening?" I asked Harry and Reece.

"Well we now have an infinite supply of water because I made a few wells around the town. Also wheat has been planted so hopefully that grows quickly.
A guy about 20 or so, has decided to become the towns blacksmith, by looking up how to craft weapons and armor online.

But it will be a few weeks before he will be able to make good armor." Said Reece.

"Speaking of armor, I had some made while I was in beginners town."
I said as I pulled out 3 sets of shiny steel armor. Each had a faint different colored glow radiating from each set.

"Whooo! That's really good armor! " said Danny.

"Nice!, whose is which?" Asked Harry.

"Well this one helps people that use mana, so I think Reece should get this one." I said as I handed the armor that glowed red.
"The other two help the person with strength and the other with speed." I said to Harry.

"I honestly don't care witch one I get so you pick." Harry said with a smile.

I then equipped the speed armor with a purple glow. And handed the yellow armor to Harry and he equipped it.

I then opens up my inventory and placed the 15 greenish throwing knives into my belt.

--------20 minutes later --------

"So what now? We can make the town bigger until it becomes a city, but what after that. We need to get stronger. And hiding behind the towns walls won't get us there." Said Harry.

I thought about it.
"You remember in those other games like Life Light, where guilds ruled the world. Why don't we start a guild? Just the 3 of us to begin with, but think about it, we will be the only guild with a town! And having a guild will make more people want to visit jungle town, or join the guild."
I replied.

I knew that people have already started making guilds because a group of players from a guild tried to recruit me as we were leaving beginners town.

"Ok, And also having a guild means that we can claim large blocks of land, we could even claim the entire jungle!
But... What will we call the guild?" Asked Harry.

"How about........The Nights Men.?"
I asked.
Harry smiled "yeah, that's really good"

"Ok so I'll log off and officially create the guild online.
I'll also check how many other towns have been built.
Oh! And what's the towns population?." I asked.
"Around 215" he replied before I headed to my bed to log out.

----------real world---------------

After logging out, I noticed that Harry had gone home.
I walked to the kitchen with my laptop and made some food while I logged onto my account on the Worlds Best website and something caught me eye.

It was a news clipping about a boy named Jake who died because of a glitch in Home World.
The creators of the game were saying how sorry they are to the friends and families of Jake, and also how they fixed the problem.

I then moved to the guild page and saw a long list of guilds. At the very top of the leader bored was a guild with 8 players averaging around level 15 each, named Soulless.

I clicked on the add guild and a page came up with a bunch of questions.
I filled in each question including the ones about a guild town/city.
We were number 22 on the guild leader board, but the only guild with a town so far.
I bet a few guilds have tried to make beginnings town their guild town, but I doubt the creators of the town would let them.

I moved to the map on the website and found the jungle, that jungle town is in.
I found the claim button and started highlighting the jungle.
I didn't want to be two greedy and claim more land, because I knew that other guilds would start wars over land.

I then went into the town settings and saw that 5 more towns have been built, but none as big as beginners town and jungle town.

I updated jungle towns population and I closed the laptop to finish eating before I headed back into the game.

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