Chapter 22

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"Ben, did you buy anything from the Gold Exchange thingy?" Asked Harry before I even got out of bed ingame.

I patted my hair down and stood up.
"Na, not really just a few potions and other cheap stuff." I said as I opened my inventory to find 8 gold missing and my new things instead.

You?" I asked hoping he didn't spend all of the guilds money..

"Just a new spear" he said as he took out a fine looking spear a little longer than the one he has strapped to his back.
He replaced his old spear and sat down on my bed.

"Nice" I said as I started to walk out of my room.

"Hey, you want to go hunting?
I want to try out my new spear and we really need to get some levels if we want to survive long in this world." He asked a little excited.

I hadn't gone hunting for a few days because I was helping set up jungle town that now has around 300 players living in it.

"Yeah let's go." I said before he got up and we started walking to the town gate.

----------5 minutes later --------

The town gate is now made from a strong silver metal and we also have 4 guards manning it at all times.

Once we were in the jungle we decided to head in a direction that we haven't hunted in yet.
So we walked around the outside of the town wall to near the farm.

"Hey why don't we claim more land?
I know the jungle is pretty big but why not get as much as we can at the moment?
I don't think any guilds have started towns this far out yet, so we actually have the land ripe for the picking!" Asked Harry while we walked through the jungle.

He has a point..

"Alright, well next time you log off the game you can claim more land surrounding the jungle." I said before we both stopped and got our weapons ready because we heard something move in the bushes.

Harry has his spear and shield ready and I had a throwing knife in each hand.

An arrow was shot from behind us and it hit Harry in his shoulder blade.
He screamed in agony and fell to the floor.
"Harry!!!" I screamed.
I can't loose another best friend..

I quickly grabbed a healing potion and pored it all over Harry's back.

Just as I finished, another arrow came flying at us but I was ready.
I dodged the arrow and used the only wind spell that I learned from Harry.

It pulled the attacker out of the thick bushes into my line of sight.

I was expecting a elf but a strong looking player landed in the ground before standing up and grabbing a long sword from his inventory.

" I'm going to kill both of you!" Growled the player before he charged at me and the wounded Harry on the ground.

He attacked me first with a strike strait down at my head.

I managed to equip a shield and block the attack but the blade deflected off my shield and cut a large gash on my throwing arm.

I ignored the pain and shield bashed him in the face.

The attacker fell backwards and got ready to strike again.

Harry stood up and he looked really pissed.

But then he smiled...

Out of nowhere a black eagle flew through the trees and started to claw at the attackers face.

I knew the moldering wouldn't be able to finish the attacker anytime soon, so I stepped forward and threw a knife into his stomach.

Clearly the man is stronger than both of us, he is probably on the leaderboard.

Harry must have ordered his moldering to back off because the eagle stopped scratching the mans face and flew back into the sky.

I finally had a clear look at our attacker.

He wore steel armor, similar to the armor I brought from beginners town. He had long blond hair that was now soaked with blood from the eagle attack.
He's around 30 years old and it looks like he works out.

"Do you know who I am!?
I am the second strongest player in Worlds Best. People will fear me!
People will know that I am the Worlds Best!" Screamed the man with a scratched up face.

He lifted his great sword up again to attack me when I filled his chest with all 15 of my throwing knives.

But he was still alive.
He was on his knees on the verge of dying.

Harry walked up to the man.
"No.... We are the worlds best."
He said before sending his new spear straight through his chest.

(Duel battle.)
(XP gained)
(4 levels increased)

"Wow what's up with this duel battle?" Asked Harry.

"I don't know, it must be because we both helped kill this creep" I said as I nudged the dead body on the ground.

"It might be just a small new part of the update. Anyway let's keep hunting" Harry replied as he started to walk of.

"Hey! Wait a sec!" I yelled before quickly going into the dead players inventory.
-steel sword.
- elven short bow
- elven iron arrows x33
- plain steel armor
- 83 gold
There was also a small amount of food and a few good crafting ingredients.

I grabbed everything like normal and ran after Harry that didn't wait for me.

Worlds Best- Untouched (A SwordArt Online  FanFiction) Where stories live. Discover now