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I materialized a gold throwing knife and looked it over.
I could see Laura hidden in a large tree ready to strike. 

Everyone else were hiding, waiting for our targets to march into our ambush.

I heard a quick bird call that sounded exactly like a real bird.
It was Amy, a pretty cool trick she recently learned, alerting us that our targets have arrived.
I looked out into the snowy forest from my hiding spot and a few seconds later I started to see the first of the enemy platoon.
Snow Orks..

They kept marching on rows of 4, in thick plate armor and woolen coats underneath.
The 40 Orks filled the snowy clearing in seconds.
Once they are in, I started the attack.
I waved my hand and thick ice walls erupted around the entire platoon, taking most of my mana.
Immediately shouts could be heard as the snow Orks started bashing on the ice wall with there big weapons.
It was only a matter if seconds before the Orks broke down my wall so I ordered the attack.
I shot a gold flare into the sky using a weak spell and my party attacked.
Arrows started flying from the trees, most hitting armor but some wounding and killing.
Laura could only use her shadow hole spell because her fire spells would melt my walls.
Black shadowy holes appeared below a few Orks and they fell through into nothingness.

By now my mama had only recharged 1 third of what i used up making the wall.
Just enough for me to do my final spell before all hell breaks loose.

I concentrated, this is a little harder to cast then the ice wall.
I pushed my fist forward like I was punching someone and thick ice spikes erupted from the ice wall.
The 15 or so Orks that were just about to break through the ice wall were immediately empaled by the spikes and died.
Then my mana run out.
The remainder of my wall and the spikes attached to it all shattered to the ground revealing the remaining 15 more or less, very pissed off snow Orks that survived.

Now one thing that we have learned over the few months being based in the snowy mountains is that Orks are much harder to kill in one on one combat..

Tom rushed out of the forest into the clearing. Shouting "alright you goblin rejects come at me!" Which worked wonders as the remaining Orks started sprinting full pelt at Tom.

That's when Laura jumped out of the tree behind the Orks and unleashed her black fire now that my wall has collapsed.
The fire engulfed most of the Orks which were burnt to a crisp in seconds due to the fact that they have extremely low resistance to fire but extremely high resistance to the cold.

Amy and Ashley jumped out of the forest and quickly took out the few that survived with there bows.

Laura walked up to me. "I really wish the rebel guild didn't make an alliance with the snow Orks, we would have crushed them by now if they didn't have the support" she said before kissing me on the cheek. "But good job, I really think that you are getting better with your ice spells." She said as she held my hand as we walked to collect the loot.

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