Chapter 11

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The group of heavily armored elves marched through the tree line, lead by the large elf I saw giving a speech.

It looked like most of the elves were there, but I might not have seen all of them.

A group of about 10 elves lined up and shot arrows with rope attached to it.
They all hit the top of the wall, and the arrows were planted strongly into the wall.

I ran along the wall with a sword chopping the rope.
That made the elf leader really mad and he ordered the army to attack the town gate.

The elves then brought out large pots on fire and started to catch there arrows on fire and sent them flying towards the gate.

Flaming arrows? That's a good idea! We should use that.

Within seconds the wooden gate was on fire and I knew it was a matter of time before the gate would burn to the ground and the elves would attack.

I unslung my new bow and I started sending arrows into the group of enemies.

Most arrows hit armor and did no damage but a few lucky shots managed to hit flesh and they died.

After 10 minutes I had killed about 10 elves but then the gate finally fell.

The elves rushed forward with a quick attack signal from the lead elf.

Once they reached the burnt down gate. I screamed "fire!" And around 40 arrows were sent strait into the income army.

Most arrows didn't pierce the elven armor, but some player got lucky with a head shot.

I raced down the stairs just in time to see the remaining 70 elves shoot arrows straight at the archers reloading.
Arrows flew down on them but about 30 of the worriers pulled out there shields and managed to cover most of the archers.

A couple arrows managed to slip through killing around 10 players.

"Charge!" I screamed as the group of around 100 players and myself sprinted towards the enemy.

Around 20 were quickly killed or injured as the elves sent arrows our way.

I had my shield equipped and it blocked every arrow they shot at me.

The elves all equipped 2 thin looking swords just before we reached them.

I equipped my steel sword and lunged into the group of elves.

I hacked at a large elfs side and blood was dripping down his armor.

He swung at me and I dodged it before swinging as hard as I could and his head dropped to the floor.

I looked over to see an elf, kill a player. But I had to focus on getting to the lead elf.

He was at the back, the coward!
Barking orders to his men.
I slipped past a tall elf, but only after cutting his leg making him fall over.

It looked like we were winning, with archers shooting the enemy and I even saw a few spells getting shot at them.

I finally made it behind the army and face to face with the lead elf.

"You talk all big, but you don't fight?" I said taunting the elf.

"Oh I can fight.!"
Yelled the elf before equipping duel swords and racing towards me.

He slashed downwards aiming for my head but I sidestepped the attack, only to be but by his other sword.

Blood was gushing down my arm from the cut, and I knew I needed a Heath potion soon.

I pulled back and the elf started to laugh.

In the back of my mind I commanded my bull to attack the elves, and screams could be heard as my bull ripped into the elves with its horns.

"I quickly sent a throwing knife at the elf, but he easily deflected it with his sword and the knife actually hit another elf in hits back. Lol

"Good one!" I said before I charged at him with my sword.
He blocked a swing to his right, and I dodged the other sword as he tried to kill me.

I went to attack him again but he spun around while going to his knees, his blades ripped huge cuts on my legs and I fell to the ground unable move.
"Filthy human!" Said the elf as he prepared to swing the final blow.

Crack! Doff rock flew from the ground creating a cage around the lead elf.

He attacked the stone bars but every time he broke a bar, it reformed.

I heard a loud cheer from behind me. I guess we won.

Harry ran up to me and started pouring a healing potion on my legs and arms.
"A group of about 20 elves tried to climb the wall near the inn.
We waited until most of them were climbing the ropes and then we cut them, which killed most of them, and Reece killed the rest using earth spells."
He finished with a smile.
"Want me to kill this one?" He asked motioning to the trapped elf.

"Na... This ones mine."
I said before standing up and flinging a throwing knife between the elfs eyes.

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