Chapter 56

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The rebel group quickly crept up to the south temple door.
From where I was hiding, I could see that there was around 50 of them. All wearing dark assassin clothing, they moved there way and quickly picked the lock.
Rushing through the hallway, daggers and short swords ready they quietly ran inside.
Around 5 guards stayed outside at the door as the Wizards predicted.

Once the 45 strong attacking force were inside the hallway the trap began.
A wizard used a spell to slam the door shut and locked it with strong magic.
From the balcony above the door I emerged from my hiding spot and flung some throwing knives at the five attackers stuck outside.
Two died instantly from lucky shots but the other three either dodged or survived the attack because there armor stopped the knives.
One readied an arrow toward me but Tom jumped down from the balcony and managed to kill the rest.
These Rebel men aren't that strong if one of my strong guys can take out 3 of there guys.

Tom started climbing back up to the balcony as I ran inside. An earth wall had been erected by one of the Wizards to trap the Rebel group in the hallway.

A couple started hacking at the wall with picks and war hammers while the others surrounded them to protect them.

I saw Amy and Ashley in there hiding place with there bows ready.
It's actually good that Ashley knows how to fight as well as learning to be a support caster. Because of times like these when we might need more archers instead of healers.

Amy pulled out a potion one of the Wizards gave her and threw it at the group.
The potion turned into a must when it shattered at the feet of the would be assassins.

They all screamed and put there hands to there eyes like they were burning.
At that exact moment Ashley, Amy, Laura and I all started using our long ranged attacks.

Black fireballs flew to the group causing small explosions, arrows rained down on the incapacitated enemy especially the archers for when the potion wears off.
I was using my beautiful weapons ring where I could create gold weapons out of mana for a short period of time.
My near endless supply of throwing knives managed to kill few but wounded many.

After a few minutes of absolute chaos the potion finally wearied off, only 20 Rebels remained and even a few of those were wounded from arrow and throwing knife injuries and even some burns.

Tom had managed to climb the walls and onto the balcony, he rushed inside and I ran over to him.
Both of us jumped down onto the front of the sealed door and readied our attack.

Even though I was still pretty far away I could see that Laura had used her signature move and one of the remaining Rebels trying to break through the earth wall fell through a black shadow into nothing and then the shadow disappeared.

I really need to ask her where they go aha

15 guys and girls rushed towards Tom and I, we started running at them and I saw one fall down dead because a arrow was sticking out of the back of there neck.

Tom and I ran at full speed at these guys. Just before we clashed and would have gotten destroyed by the spears aimed at us.
A large force field was created and the rebels ran straight into it.
The field quickly dissipated probably because that was the biggest protection barrier Ashley has ever cast.

The 14 Rebels had fallen to the ground after running head first into a field as strong as a brick wall. One guy had an obvious broken nose.
And being the nice guy I am, I decided to end is suffering so I quickly pushed my sword right through his steal chest plate and into his heart.

My people took full advantage of the dazed enemies and within a few seconds, the Rebels were dead.

Laura finally left her hiding spot and walked up to us in the middle of the hallway.

Only a couple enemies remained, still at the wall.
They had noticed that all there people were dead, so they stopped to get through the wall.
They were so close too!!!
Laura created a huge black fireball with both hands and sent it flying towards them.
There was an explosion and the rebels didn't even stand a chance, even the earth wall was destroyed.

She looked over at me and blushed.

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