Chapter 54

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I flew onto the mammoths back as it was facing away from me.

I know Toms swords can't penetrate the incredibly tough hide, but I had a plan.
Running along its back I quickly sent a few fireballs along its back, the only thing that seems to actually hurt these guys.
It screamed in pain and I could smell the burning hair and flesh.

I reached its head and I jumped onto it, sending both swords straight into the creatures eyes.
I suddenly fell to the ground as the creature collapsed dead.

The three of us walked over to the mammoth trying to get out of my cage.
The smallest of the 3 mammoths it seemed to be having a hard time.

Laura made a huge black fireball and was just about to roast the beast alive.

Animal tamed: Woolly mammoth
Level: 68

I called just before she threw the fireball.

"What!? You can't tell me that you want to kill it!, you killed the other two!" Laughed Laura.

I demolished the stone cage and the others were shocked and got ready to attack.

"It's ok guys.. I tamed her"

--------10 minutes later------

Tom finally woke up from being knocked unconscious, he looked over at the dead mammoths and saw the one with his swords sticking out Of its eyes.
"Ow yeah!!! I totally took out a mammoth on my own!"
He shouted.
The others all laughed.

"Yeah good job" I said and I saw Laura smile at me.
I thought I would give him this small victory even through it wasn't his victory.

After Tom was healed I explained how I had accidentally tamed the other mammoth and we had collected our belongings and loot, before we set off again.

------3 hours later -----------

"Is that it sir?" Asked Ashley pointing to the large castle looking thing at the top of the mountain.
The path that led up to the temple, looked dangerous, thin paths and incredible winds waited to push us off the edge.

"Well let's go" I said before starting the climb.

We left the horses, my sabertooth tiger and my new mammoth at the base of the mountain.

After a while, the winds really started to pick up. With my very limited wind elemental spells, I had no clue on how to calm the wind.

"Ben, what are we actually doing here, and what is that castle up there? Surely a guild couldn't have build it all the way up there." Asked Tom.

He had a point, I hadn't really told them what we were doing, I had just ordered them to come with me.
I liked these guys, just because I'm the guild leader, they literally followed me into battle without me even telling them why.

"I'm going to tell you guys something, only a few people in the world know. It's a secret but hopefully after today, it won't have to be.
A couple weeks ago, the game designers put up a very rare loot for sale in the Gold Exchange System. I brought it and it turned me into a spirit"
Everyone looked a little confused.
"I have exception abilities like flying, becoming intangible and others that I haven't unlocked yet. The only known way to hurt and kill a spirit when they are intangible is to get a
blessed weapon from a wizard from the Udah temple on the top of the largest mountain... This mountain..."
My party seemed to be thinking as we continued to walk up the dangerous mountain path.

Tom spoke up first. He really talks a lot!
"And what?, you plan on going to this temple and asking the Wizards to stop blessing weapons?" He asked.

I laughed.
"Ask.. Yeah something like that." I said with a grin.

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