44 | Thomas

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Dear Newt,

Ouch. Have you ever heard of the word subtle? Have you ever tried rejecting someone, like, subtly? Try it sometimes, Newt. It helps.

Anyway, now that I've been rejected of my last resort for Christmas, I guess I should get planning. Hours of Destiny on the Xbox and lots of popcorn up ahead! Woopee!

I just really hope that my parents at least Skype with us on Christmas or Christmas Eve or maybe Christmas Eve dinner. Chuck's really down, and I don't think that even my amazing skills as a brother would be able to cheer him up.

Yours sincerely,

a/n: shoutout to @FranieCraze, @stufflikeidk and @hetalialover_01 for winning the contest!

YOURS SINCERELY • newtmas auWhere stories live. Discover now