To: Sonya

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Why am I even writing to you? We see each other every day--I don't see the bloody point of sobbing over paper for you, big sis.

That was a joke, of course. You know I can't help but be awkward on paper. I suck at writing to people (don't you even dare mention Tommy)

(I knew you were about to)

(Don't deny it)

(Psssh. You and your fangirl delusions)

Anyway, three cheers for you for putting up with me for the past 17 years. When you were 4, you had all the reasons to drown me in the bathtub, but you didn't, so maybe I should thank you for that.

Jokes aside, though, I appreciate everything you've done for me. You deserve the best, Sonya. You yourself told that to me many years ago, and it's about time someone said it back to you.

Merry Christmas!

Love you,

PS. You should introduce your girlfriend to me sometime. What was her name again? Hannah? Harmony? Harry???

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