Pearlmethyst 1

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Weeks after the kindergarten accident and Pearl hasn't forgiven herself for what she made amethyst go through. It still hurt her, it made her guilty but for what it was worth she loved amethyst.

They both were at the kitchen counter eyes in a gaze and lips closer than ever. Then with a slight push which made their lips lock. Slow but passionate. Pearl on the top of the kitchen counter and amethyst holding her waist close to her body. Their lips moved longing each other. Hands holding on the other for dear life.

Pearl loved amethyst but She never thought amethyst would love her back after all she had done to her. She can't remove the though of amethyst in pain back at the kindergarten. 'I'm not gunna let you stand there and remind me of everything I hate about myself!' A tear rolled down her cheek as she remembered that moment, that specific moment when she saw pain and sorrow in her loved ones eyes.

Amethyst noticed the wet liquid and pulled away. She looked concerned about what happened to Pearl, she was worried. "Hey P what's wrong?" She said with  worry. Pearl looks down and another tear falls from her blue orbs. "I-I... I was just...thinking" Pearl said her voice shaking.

"About what?"

"About.... Stuff"

Amethyst not buying the lie. "Pearl stop lying and tell me the truth! What's really wrong with you! Tell me so I can help you!"

Pearl can't keep it forever. She has to tell her eventually. She couldn't keep her guilt all locked up. Then something in Pearl snapped. "WHY WOULD YOU EVER LOVE SOMEONE LIKE ME!!" Amethyst stared at Pearl with wide eyes. Not expecting an outburst. More tears falling from her eyes filled with guilt as she  clenched her fist tightly. "HOW COULD YOU LOVE SOMEONE WHO IGNORED YOU, INSULTED YOU, AND EVEN HURT YOU. WHY Would you-" Pearl stopped talking her voice getting lower and lower. Remembering every horrible thing she has ever done to amethyst. 'Amethyst your so Childish! AMETHYST please!! Stop fooling around!! Pearl realized she knew little about her. Slob, lazy, childish, ignorant, everything that Pearl saw in amethyst. She never got to know who she really is. All the things Pearl saw might be a disguise to hide how she truly felt.

Amethyst thought everything she said was true, how could she love someone who had done that to her, how could she love her. Amethyst didn't like the idea of Pearl rejecting her love for her. "HOW ABOUT ME HUH! HOW COULD YOU LOVE A RU-"
"No amethyst don't say that about yourself because you are the best thing that has ever happened to me."

"Then don't say those things about me not loving you."

Amethyts blushed to what she said while she kept repeating her words. 'You are the best thing that has ever happened to me' Amethyst looked at Pearl with a warm look amethyst eyes softened with care. She held on her cheek as she wiped the tear away from pearls eyes. Pearl blushed deeply from her touch as she held Amethysts hand closer to her. Amethyst smiled at her. "Pearl I love you and I love every single thing about you. Sure you may have hurt me before but that.. That was in the past I've moved on and so should you. I love you Pearl because you're you and I don't care about the things you have done to me. Seeing you cry was the most hurtful thing you have ever done to me so please.....please stop crying." With those very touching words Pearl couldn't help herself but tear up. Amethyts brought her lips and kissed pearls gem. She's just so happy amethyst could love her even after everything they've been though. Pearl giggled with delight.

"I-I... Oh amethyst!!" Pearl said as she slammed her lips against the other with so much passion.

They stayed like that for awhile until they eventually broke apart. Pearl gazed on amethyst gorgeous eyes. "You really mean that?" Pearl said

"I meant every word"

"I love you too amethyst"

Both gems had their most heated kiss which then lead to something more. Moans and skin slapping can be heard around the temple. Good thing Steven and garnet isn't there. They have the place to themselves.

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