Pearlmethyst 5 part 2

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'Rose this is wonderful!' Dream Pearl said but that happiness had to end at some point. She felt that something was missing. Something that couldn't make her any happier. The most painful thing she has ever done. She let rose go.

Heading her way to where the tree was, but no one was there. "I-i know... I know that someone was here. I know it! They- she. Waiting for me..." Dream Pearl stated. She looked behind her. Rose was gone.

Pearl woke up with a start. She felt like she had an amazing dream. She missed rose so much that it felt nice to think of her again., but she can't help but feel she missed something. Something important.

She noticed that amethyst was gone. She looked around and only found Steven. 'Garnet must be in her room, and amethyst maybe is somewhere eating garbage.'Pearl thought. She stood up, patted Steven and headed to her room herself.

*time skip afternoon*

Pearl found garnet eating with Steven .. Well she isn't eating but Steven is eating with her. She thought where could amethyst be? She should be eating with Steven.. Right?

"Pearl" garnet said softly. "Yes garnet"Pearl replied

"Have you seen amethyst?"

"Uh.. Amethyst? I thought she would be with you?"

"Yea I haven't seen her all day. Where is she?" Steven said.

The warp pad activated and there stood amethyst. "Oh amethyst there you are!" Pearl said.

"Yay! Amethyst is back! Wanna eat this cover of my cheese." Steven said. Garnet didn't say much as usual. Thinking it was just a normal day she left to go do a see what would happen. She noticed amethysts attitude changed. She can feel it. She headed in the temple trying to see if the disaster was true.

"No." Amethyst said flatly and left the living room and entered her room. Steven felt uneasy as to why his friend would act that way.

"Pearl." Steven said softly as pearls attention directly points to the young gem.

"Is amethyst ok?" Steven said sniffing. Pearl just touched his head softly. "It's going to be alright Steven. She is going to be alright." Pearl said as she left Steven to go to the purple gems room.

"A-amethyst!!" Pearl yelled to see if the gem would respond, but nothing. All she could hear was the ruffling noises of falling junk. She went to investigate the noise. All she saw was amethyst kicking around her mess.

Pearl was supposed to call her but she heard amethyst talk to herself.

"Why would she think of her again! Grrrr... I mean wasn't my care enough for you! Why would you still care for her if you know she doesn't have feelings for you, but you can't even get my hint right. You can't notice my feelings." Amethyst sighed as she kicked more of her garbage to release her rage. Pearl knew that she wasn't supposed to be eavesdropping but she just has to know. What was making amethyst so mad. Pearl was concerned for her friend worrying she might be the cause of her teammates boiled up emotion.

"I can't believe her! Doesn't she care for my feelings to. *sigh*" amethyst continued.

(please use tune from the song tower of mistakes from Steven universe.)

Maybe you're better of with her.
I think she's better for you.
I forgot how great it felt to be us.
Guess you forgot me anyway
I had to love you to make me feel strong
But I don't care about that now.~
I see your eyes wander into the past
And my love is tumbling down.
Is there something I cant do~
Is there something I cant do~
Is there something I cant do~
Can I make you love me to~

Amethyst looked down in sadness. Thinking of how hurtful it was. She couldn't help herself but cry. She heard shuffling in the distance she imidiately wipped her tears away and headed towards the direction it was coming from.

"Pearl?!" Amethyst said as she almost tackled her teammate to the ground. Pearl just smiled cheekily as a wave of embarrassment washed on her.

"H-hello amethyst."

"Did you hear anything?"

"How are y-"

"I said did you hear anything!" Amethyst making her voice louder. Pearl just flinched at her out burst. Pearl had to come clean and just nodes slowly. Amethyst steps back unbelievably. 'Why would Pearl do this to me. First she hurts me then listens to my secrets!'

Amethyst ran out of the room and on to the warp pad. Pearl was dumb founded she just realized that she was the cause of her friends sadness. She shook her head focusing the task at hand. Making amethyst feel happy again she decided to go after he smaller gem.

Before she could reach the warp pad garnet grabbed her. "You'll find her in the kindergarten" garnet said as she Let Pearl go. Pearl nodded knowing that her leader was just trying to help her. She warped out of garnets sight.

"Good luck" garnet said before going on a mission keeping the future in tack. She knew going on a mission might help them since she would be gone for a while plus Steven went to the boardwalk. Garnet knew this future would lead the two teammates making up. It was a hard decision for garnet to let the two talk because what she saw was heartbreaking. It would either make or break their friendship, but all she knew she had to trust the two.

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