Pearlmethyst 10 part 2

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Im kinda uncomfortable with this whole vibe between them..... i feel like they hate each other. Ughh. Peridot was so cool enough to give me extra homework... i dont know why nerds do extra homework anyway. Pearl is great with engineering. She loves to build so i thought. Why not let them meet.

We were arriving at my condo. After watching the movie, i think peridots soul left for a while. So did pearl. Heh. I open the door as the other two followed me in.

My place was a complete kingdom. It was filled with everything i love and dont love at the same time. I call it my system.

"So guys! My home!" I said. At least i tried to do something that can break the silence. No ones been talking ever since the movie ended.... were they scared? Lol i wasnt the slightest... i would have been scared if it wasnt for the two of them squeezing me into a hug everytime a jump scare apears. It ruined the whole movie for me, but at least i get to spend time with them.

"Amethyst! Don't you clean in here?" Pearl said.

"Well i do every once a month." I replied as i kicked some stuff away and hoped onto the couch.

I looked at pearl and see that she looked like she was about to puke.

Yeah the smell isnt the greatest thing here but meh.. i'll deal with it tomorrow.

"Me and my roommate lapis has an almost similar construct you call a room. Ours has meaning in where one belongs and yet i can still know what its about." Peridot said. She moves some pizza boxes i had on the ground so she can walk over and sit beside me.

"Yo pearl! Are you gunna chill?" I said as she was still looking around.

"Not until this place is in order!".. she the started to clean everything. My system was ruined and i dont know where all my good stuff are. At least i get to see pearl working her ass of... heh... cute little bottoms.

Me and peridot were just sitting on the couch and drinking soda. It was a whole hour and pearl has managed to clean everything up as neatly as she always have.

"There... spotless. Im gunna go throw away your garbage." Pearl then left me and peridot alone with our soda.

It was silent. All i could hear was my slurping.. i could feel warm hands touch my own. It was.. comforting. It was welcoming in fact that i actually held on. My eyes were closed so it didnt matter to me if peri got cold as well. As a good host. I look at her worried.

"Need me to turn the AC off?" I said...

"Uh. No! Yes?! I mean nah.. i like the cold. It makes me want to ..... you." And she layed her head on my shoulder..... hold the phone.. is peri? Does she? I cant even think. No way.. someone actually has a crush on me? A big fat someone like me?! She looks at me with those eyes. Those eyes that hurt me before. The eyes pearl used to give when she sees rose.

"Amethyst... i have something to say.... i know we haven't met in a long time. I kinda watch you sometimes while you skate or play basketball. I really- i-i really... ugh.. hash lephferber.... dah..." i cant... i cant do it.. im saying what i need to. But what is most important. My mouth wont let me.

"Peridot? What are you trying to say?" Amethyst looks at me. I cant. Shes so cute! I can feel the drool leave my mouth but i dont care.

"Amethyst.. i-i" i choke but i can say it!

"I LOVE YOU AMETHYST!!!" The door swings open in front of us. There i see the pearl holding a boquet of roses and a box of chocolates.


I stare back at amethyst. I see her blush as the pearl steps closer to us. She lays the boquet of flowers on the table as she kneeled in front of amethyst with the chocolates in hand.

"Amethyst.. we have known each other since kindergarten and i cherish those memories as much as i can up until now. But-" the pearl kept explaining about how much she 'loves amethyst'. My thoughts became blank as i just cant help but get mad! No! This is my confession. This is my moment! This is my amethyst!

"-and can i just ask? Will you-" i cut pearls sentence short by grabbing amethysts face and kissing her. I dont know why i did it. But I did. I love the feeling like no tomorrow.

I let go of her lips and whispered. "Amethyst, you are the most beautiful girl i have ever laid my eyes on. I love you and my feelings are real. You are the greatest most amazing person that i just cant help but ask. Will you be my girlfriend?"i said. I said it! I finally said it! This is what i wanted to say for weeks!

"I-i me.. wha?.."

"Thats my question!" I see the pearl yell at me but it didnt matter.

"First come, first serve!" I stuck my tongue out and gave an ugly face as i held on to amethyst even longer. Pearls eyes were filled with anger. Heh thats what she gets.

"Amethyst i love you more! Be MY girlfriend!" Pearl said as she also laid her lips onto amethyst.


What in the world is happening right now?!!! Omg... first my long time crush just bursted through the doors that she loves me. Next. One of the cutest giels in the class just kissed me and confessed. Im in heaven!!!! Pearl is still kissing me!!!

I see peridot push her away from me while pearl pushed peridot back. They both latch their arms around mine while pulling me to their side.

"AMETHYST!!!" They both yell in my ear... ughh. This will be painful.

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