Pearlmethyst 4 part 2

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Everyone was cheering. The crowed going wild. This was the championship games. The Eagles V.S the Gems

It was 4-4 a tie, but the game still on. Pearl, lapis and sapphire cheered on. Sapphire brought a horn to make load noises.

Ruby spotted sapphire and the others. She winked as her mouth silently said "this is for you." Ruby brought the ball up and bicycle kicked to the goal. Crowd screams at the trick skill ruby just performed. Sapphire jumping up and down fist pumping in the air.

"WOOO!!! RUBY!!!"

Pearl clapped her hands together. They were winning but Pearl couldn't care less about it. Even if they win or lose all she wanted to do was see amethyst in action.

The game started again the the other team player just passed ruby now it's up to defense. Amethyst was a defense player with another named jade. The team passed jade but she wouldn't give her the opening of a shot. The player was finally close to the ball and tried to shoot but amethyst blocked it with what the others say ass block. She jumped right In front of it and it made a sound like it hurt. The ball hit her ass so hard that it made another defensive goal. It actually shot. No one actually thought it would be possible.

"GO AMETHYST!!" Pearl screamed. Amethyst heard it and saw it was Pearl. She made a flirtish look as she focused back to the game. 4-6 the Eagles wasn't going to have that. Everyone in their team went up and got more aggressive. It was there ball. When the whistle was blown they immediately kicked towards the goal. It was to fast for ruby to get. To high for amethyst to reach. Now it was up to Jasper the goalkeeper. It was spinning fast and Jasper knew which side she should go.

While unnoticed the other team directly headed towards ruby hitting her to the ground. She screamed angryly as the Eagles moved to the next. They went after amethyst, they hit her hard harder than hitting ruby. Amethyst feel to the rocky parts of the field. Her knee and nose were bleeding. Only Pearl noticed it.

"HEY WHAT IN THE WORLD DID YOU DO!!!" Pearl yelled so load that everyone checked to see what happened. Ruby was already screaming at one of the players in the Eagles team and amethyst was holding her bleeding leg. Even Jasper was distracted. The ball almost reaching the goal "JASPER!!" Lapis yelled. Jaspers mind was finally back. Almost reaching the goal Jasper jumped for it.

The whole school screamed as they are victorious, but they shouldn't be celebrating just yet as an enraged ruby runs after the player who made her fall. She pushes her and the referee tries to stop them but then the whole teams starts to go after each other. Everyone runs to the field to stop the fight. Jasper was the first to hit. She didn't like they way her team mates were treated. They started brawling. Ruby already knocked down 2 and amethyst was repeatedly punching someone. Jasper ran up and tackled 3 to the ground.

The gang didn't like the fight so sapphire went to ruby and pulled her hand out the fight. Amethyst was still beating the person as she was pulling on amethysts hair. Pearl released thhem both away from each other and brought amethyst out the field. Lapis went to Jasper instead of helping the player who was getting beaten up by Jasper. "Go get'em babe!!!" Lapis was rooting for Jasper. Jasper was happy lapis was cheering so she did more damage until the ref and some guards pulled Jasper away from the already bleeding person.

Pearl brought amethyst to the locker room. "What were you doing! Why did you do that!!" Amethyst yelled at Pearl. She was so angry hat she didn't notice Pearl was in tears.

Amethyst finally sees Pearl tears at the edge of her eyes. "Whoa hey i-i didn't mean to shout at you.... I'm sorry." Amethyst apologized. Pearl wipped her tears away and made amethyst to sit down. She immediately got the cleanest towel she could find and started wiping the blood of of her nose. Amethyst blushed. It was her first time being this close to her. Pearl got up and went to search for a first aid kit. She went back with the first aid in hand. She disinfected amethysts wound and wrapped it around her knee.

"Hey thanks P."

"Your welcome."

They didn't know what to do next but this was just out of instinct. Amethyst grabbed pearls collar and kissed her lips. Pearl shocked at first but retired the gesture. 'Her lips are so soft' Pearl thought as they continued the affection. They broke apart for air. Both blushing. Their thoughts were intrupted when they heard a crash. They got embarrassed thinking someone must've caught them smooching. When they checked around a corner it was ruby and sapphire intensely making out.

"Hahahaha!!!" Amethyst laughed disturbing them. They both looked flustered and sprang away from each other. "Don't worry sapphire I won't tell anyone" Pearl said "same here ruby" amethyst's said as ruby and sapphire laughed cheekily.

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