Pearlmethyst 13

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Ok guys this is the continuation of the story or number 3 since it was the first comment by xStrongerThanYoux you guys can check her out. Also you guys should check the comics and see what number you would like me to be doing. Thanks!! Vote and comment on pearls bird nose.... Jk! We all love Pearl.

Today was the day. Amethyst would spend sometime with her gemfriend. No one else knew about it because it was a secret relationship. They were still afraid to show their emotions to the other members. The feeling of not accepting their love to the team.

Amethyst had to wait for a while for pearls arrival so she stayed on the couch and took a quick nap. After a while if closing her eyes and relaxing on the couch she felt a pressure on her chest going down. It was a familiar presence. Amethyst opened her eyes just to see who or what it was causing the pressure. She saw the tall white gem laying on her body. She smiled as she held her closely.

"I know you aren't asleep." Amethyst said and chuckled as pearls body shifted and her head was facing at the purple gem. Pearl giggled.

"Can't we both relax here." Pearl said tiredly after doing all the chores in the house. She enjoyed doing it but it was tiring aswel.

"We cant do that remember."

"Oh yea right." Pearl said as her head flopped back to amethysts chest.

"C'mon P"

"Oh fine but I need some energy first." Pearl stated. They stared delet to each others eyes going closer. They both blushed and then their lips meet. Slow but passionate. There lips moved in the same rythem.

They broke apart and giggled. It was nice to spend the day with the gem they love well that's what the two thought. They were going have another kiss. Their lips are close ready to get contact but then.

"Pap pap pap!" That caught them of guard and blasted themselves of of each other.

"Hey! I was jus-" Steven cropped in his tracks. Highly suspicious. He saw that amethyst and Pearl were away from each other really far and were sweating nervously.

"Uh guys did something happen when I was out?"

"No!" Pearl said quickly. Steven knew they were both acting weirdly but he knew he shouldn't bother them and had to go back to Connie.

"So what did you come back for?" Amethyst asked trying to get the awkward silence away.

"Oh I just remembered! I had to return Connie's novel." Steven said as he went though his closet and got Connie's book out.

"Bye guys!!" Steven said then he left and headed to his friend. Amethyst and Pearl were left by themselves. They looked at each other in disbelief. Then after a while there was a chuckle that escpaped amethysts sweet plump lips. It then followed with laughter from the two gems.

"Well let's not do it here then."

"See I told you so!!"

"But we have to tell them sooner or later."

"How about we just tell them when Steven is going to ask us what we were doing here."

"Ok we will wait till then."

"Wanna continue our moment in my room?"

"Not in your disgusting pigsty. How about my room instead."

"Ok fine fine."

Pearl then dragged amethyst in her room to continue where they left of.

I'm sorry this was short xStrongerThanYoux  next time I'll make it longer it's just that I made his in the restroom in my school. I got bored so I decided to continue it there.

Hope you guys vote and comment on what would you want pearlmethyst to be or what comic you want me to make a story!!

See you guys at the next!!!

Pearlmethyst fluff all the wayDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora