Pearlmethyst 14

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A light so bright no one could see.


"Oh no!!" Pearl

"Guys I'm sorry!!" Steven

"Gems!!" Garnet.

The crystal gems. Seeing the light fade away. Seeing Pearl, Steven and amethyst gone. Garnet was in shock but had to remain calm. She imidiately wrapped away ad to the barn to get some help.


"Steven be careful!"

Pearl said. They just came back from a mission and brought home a souvenir. A blue orb. Finishing with the gem decided to head home. Steven found the blue orb as he tripped over it.

It was an ancient gem artifact that could.....
No other gem could know what the power of the orb could do or will cause.

Steven played with it. He hugged it and threw it up a little. Amethyst wanted to play with Steven aswell.

"You two stop this!" Pearl said. The two were not throwing the ball at each other. They tossed it around like a sport. Pearl directly in an instinct tried to get the orb away from the two. Garnet not using her future vision did not expect what would happen next.

"Aww don't worry P nothing is going to happen." Amethyst said. She felt a vibration when Steven tossed it to her. She looked at the orb and it glowed.

Before anything could happen out of instincts Pearl covered Steven from the orb to prtect him.

---------- back to reality

A light so bright no one could see.


"Oh no!!" Pearl

"Guys I'm sorry!!" Steven

"Gems!!" Garnet.

The crystal gems. Seeing the light fade away. Seeing Pearl, Steven and amethyst gone. Garnet was in shock but had to remain calm. She imidiately wrapped away ad to the barn to get some help.

Later thhe here gems to see they were still in beach city but outside of the temple.

They rubbed their heads. It was painful and it caused head aches well mostly for Steven.

"Is ever one alright?" Pearl asked she only saw amethyst and Steven but no garnet. "Where garnet?"

"I don't know P. It's only us I think who got affected by the orb."

"Oh no this is bad. This is bad!" Pearl was hyperventilating herself. It annoyed Amethyts though. Amethyst had checked on Steven and he saw he zoned out.

"Yo! Ste-man you alright?"

Steven didn't look towards amethyst but he kept staring at something that schocked him.

"Guys why does the temple look like a cave?" Steven said as amethyst and Pearl turned their heads to what Steven was talking about. Both gems were in awe it was the temple but 20 years ago before Steven was born, but they had already met Greg. Amethyst was amazed so was Steven but for Pearl. Pearl was feeling mixed emotions. She didn't know what to feel happy or sad. Steven and amethyst ran to the people Pearl followed the two just so they don't cause any trouble. The three gems hid behind at the side of the temple. Jair as the warp pad activated. There stood garnet from before. She held a bubble holding a gem inside. She left the warp pad and entered the chamber of bubbled gems.

"Whoa. It's garnet from before I existed" Steven said as he tried to follow the fusion, but then he was stopped by Pearl and amethyst.

"Steven!" Pearl scolded him in a hush tone. "You shouldn't be running of like that."

"Sorry Pearl."

"Guys we are in the past." Amethyst said. "Yea no kidding." Pearl said sarcastically. They both were annoyed with each other.

"So that's what the orb did? It brought us back!" Steven said excitedly. He could finally meet his mom. He never knew that much about her but guess fate wanted them to meet.

While the two were bickering. "Well duh we are in the past. Isn't it obvious!"

"Well sorry little mis know it all. I was just stating it!"

"*sigh* we have to get back to our own timeline."

"You think."

As they both were having a death stare contest Pearl decided to have Steven close to her. As she checked for him he was gone.


"What where is he?!"

"I don't know?!"

They both were getting freaked out until they heard giggling. They checked back again in the temple and there hey found Steven talking to their younger selves. They didn't want to alter the time line so they just stayed put. Who know what might happen if both of them would meet.

"Yea you guys are pretty great!" Steven said. Amethyst was happy to hear that and smiled.

"Well thank you human boy." Pearl said and tapped his head while she held on to amethyst.

"You're pretty awesome to!" Amethyst gave him a thumbs up which Steven happily returned.

"So I'm looking for my mom- I -I mean rose quarts." Steven said as Pearl looked at him suspiciously. "Why?" She asked.

"Because I need to tell her something." Should Steven really need a reason to see his mother.

"Well human anything you tell rose I can tell her for you." Pearl said. Oh boy Steven really messed up. He wouldn't know where to see his mom. He heard tweets and hooting. He looked about him and there was a purple and a white bird above him. He knew he shouldn't have gone by himself.

"She's with the human Greg in his van by the board walk." Amethyst said. Steven sigh in relief good thing amethyst told him.

"Thank you!" Steven said and was headed to boated walk while the younger Pearl was scolding the purple gem and amethyst didn't care at all. She waved good bye to him while Pearl squawked at her.

Steven looked up and saw that he two birds were following. In fact Pearl and amethyst were following him. Steven couldn't wait to meet his mom that it brought him to tears. To know about his mother he has never met.

Steven ran faster to the board walk and in his sight he spotted his fathers van.

There will be a pearlmethyst 14 part 2 so hold your patients. I can't hold mine cuz it's almost time for Steven universe new episodes!! I cant wait to see amethyst episodes and bismuth or even better. Jasper will return idk if she will but I'm still hopping. Thank you for reading, voting and commenting. I really love it!!!! So see you in the next pearlmethyst.

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