Pearlmethyst 19

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Another F
Another F

And another failure to another. "UGHHH!!"-amethyst groaned in anger as she looks at all her failed exams.

"This sucks!"-amethyst

Amethyst has been trying her best but it doesn't seem to be enough.

The tests have been getting more confusing by the moment. Yet all amethyst does is party with jenny and vidalia.

What is wrong with me?!!! I just dont get anything! This is the worst year i have ever been in. If i dont do something now. Ms. White will expel me for sure! Good thing Ms. Universe told her sister to give me a chance.

"So now amethyst. Since you are having a difficult time to tackle your studies. I will have my last resort and give you your own personal tutor." She said

"But i promise i will do better next time! Please just one more!" I said to her. I hated a tutor. It makes me feel like im stupid or their better than me. Ive had a lot of bad experiences with them and i never liked any one of it.

"Eh.. right well. Amethyst. That was our last chance to redeem yourself by your own limit. Why not let someone else help you. Yes?" She told me.

Ughh!! If only i wasnt so stupid and she helped me with my classes up until now. Fine! I will give this sissy a chance.

"Fine! I will get a tutor!" I surrendered. 

"Oh what wonderful news! Shes one of my best students and i know for sure you two will get along!" I was waiting for this mystery winner who gets to stay and tutor me for every day of the week before finals by a month away.

"Pearl! Will you Come in here please?" She called as i see a girl with books in hand. Her blue and pink out fit really matches with that 'I'm a teachers pet' vibe. She just Walks in the room like when a queen enters the halls. Her nose... her really long nose sticks up high in the sky as she as they say 'walks like a proper lady'.

Wow! Shes kinda cute. I think ive seen her somewhere before... cant remember what though.

"Amethyst. This is pearl. Pearl this is amethyst. Please. You two should try your best to help each other out and you will do great!"

"What?! Her?" I hear her say. Rude much.

"Is there a problem?" Rose said

"Yes! She the girl that placed a frog in my volcano project!"

I realised what she just said.... SO IT WAS HER VOLCANO!!!! Ahhh now i get it.

"Right!! Now i remember you."

"Well looks like i have to take my leave. Hope you will do great!" As rose left the building.

"So what do we start with?" I asked her as she slammed the books on my desk and looked at me like i just spilled coffee onto her homework.

"I will make sure that you will pass that test so that ms. Universe will give me extra credit and then she and i will be together forever!" She yelled.

Ew. This is what im dealing with for a whole month?! I need help!...

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