The Teacher: Part III Day of Declaration, Chapter 51

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I WAS GIVEN THE WARNING IN A DREAM that the Guardian's legions were massing. I soon realized it was just a matter of time before our position in the catacombs would be identified and targeted by an overwhelming force of GLSF storm troopers. Not ready yet to confront such a fearsome foe, and knowing that many Christian rebel groups outside of Rome had no knowledge of the danger they were in, I brought my concerns to Antonio.

"I'm not surprised to hear that they're coming after us. We hit them where it hurts by closing down the Vatican Feeding Station, and you're right, if we don't leave here we'll be trapped when they do find us, but where are we supposed to go?" Antonio asked, actually hoping I had other revelations from Gloriana.

"I know we have rebel contacts in almost every region throughout Italy, Europe, and the Middle East. I feel I should go north. We'll have to split up, sneak out of Rome, and slowly spread the good news that God is now helping us to the other believers out there who've kept their faith. We'll baptize them and with their new powers we'll slowly turn this thing in our favor," I added.

"Don't forget the most important piece of news—Jesus will be returning soon to help put the pieces of this broken earth and His shattered Church back together again and usher in a time of peace and goodwill throughout the world," Antonio said, reminding me of the true reason for our struggle.

"You're so could I have forgotten. We're in agreement, then, let's call a general assembly, form the groups, gather whatever supplies we can, and get out of here while we still can," I suggested.

I LED A SMALL BAND OF BROTHERS AND SISTERS to Paris while Antonio took another sizable group to Athens. The Italians stayed to help the locals, while other groups of rebels went back to the countries of their ethnic origin so they'd be better able to talk to the people in their own language. Antonio and I were given special baptismal gifts so that like the apostles of old, when speaking to a group, those listening would hear our message in their own language.

While other groups went directly to work in North and South America, based in Paris I took my recruits from city to city throughout Europe. From London we snuck on a freighter bound for the African coast and from there spread our movement east, finally ending up in Israel. Antonio continued east from Athens, went next to Moscow, China, and Southeast Asia before making his way through India and meeting up with me in Israel. The Holy Spirit was working behind the scenes protecting us on our travels and making sure we had the foreknowledge, gifts, and the powers needed to survive the skirmishes with the GLSF forces along the way.

The Guardian's legions were designed to confront an army that would stand and fight. Through dreams, all the leaders of our insurrection were told to keep on the move and only to resist when attacked. Rebels all over the globe were contacted, baptized, then used their powers to free feeding-station slaves and restore the minds of the drones. The best and bravest of the Christian insurgents were contacted in their dreams with a powerful impression to make their way to Israel as soon as possible.

AFTER MONTHS OF TRAVEL AND DODGING danger at every turn, it was good to be able to rest in Tel Aviv. It soon became apparent, however, that something significant was about to happen as one by one, then, by the hundreds and thousands, Christians from around the world began showing up in Israel. When GLSF spies learned that our forces were assembling, Holden was notified.

"Sir, we've just received reliable information that the rebels are massing in Israel," Holden's Minister of Information reported.

"Massing...finally, maybe now they'll fight instead avoiding us like the cowards they are. I need to know how many before I could even think of calling in our legions. They have been following leads on the location of bands of rebels for months, the troops show up only to find out that the rebels have fled the area. They just won't stand and fight!" Holden, looking worn and weary bellowed in disgust while pounding his fist into the table and sending a baton, symbolizing his power as the head of state, crashing into the holographic display on the wall showing the positions of the legions and the suspected bands of rebels all over the globe.

"Sir, this information has been confirmed by satellite photos and suggests the rebels, by the thousands, are moving into whatever residence structures that haven't been destroyed by earthquakes or setting up tent camps, but all the reconnaissance images show that the movement of personnel is into Israel from all directions, not out," the minister stated with confidence.

"Excellent...this is what we've been waiting for. Order the legions to Syria. Have them all move in quietly and set up base camp near Duma. I want our position kept a secret until we strike. Well, what are you waiting for...get going!" Holden hissed, pulling his finger off a wall map before waving the servant away who'd come in to clean up the mess he made.

After the minister left the room, Holden slumped down in his chair, clinging to the last strand of hope that somehow he could yet save the movement he'd championed on behalf of the Guardian to rid the world of God's influence in the affairs of men.

OVER 300 LEGIONS, TOTALING MORE than 2,000,000 men from every country on earth began to assemble as ordered, but it would take months for them all to get there.

The Cloud 10.0 Get There Now app had been unreliable except for small, single objects since the Colosseum was destroyed. With most of the drone slaves freed, there was precious little refinery fossil fuel for convention modes of mechanical transportation. The GLSF legions from China were traveling on horseback. Many others were on a forced march, simply walking on foot like the Roman soldiers of old. The legions from North America were flying into Cyprus on huge transport planes, thanks to the tar-sands oil deposits near the Canadian Rockies which kept them in jet fuel and gasoline.

Tapping into their vast offshore oil fields which were still being refined into diesel fuel, the European legions commandeered luxury liners to use as troop ships, disembarking in Cyprus to be processed before being ferried across the eastern Mediterranean to the Port of Tartus. From there, the troops were driven to Dumas, the staging area for the final assault on the Christians in Israel. The African GLSF forces first assembled in at the southern tip of the Red Sea, crossing over into Yemen, then through Saudi Arabia and into Syria.

While the last of the legions was arriving in the Duma base camp, the final group of the elite Christian rebel soldiers called to fight arrived on the shores of Israel at Tel Aviv. All the Jews from around the globe who kept their faith and had evaded the GLSF dragnets felt a compulsion to return to Israel. They joined the Jews already there.

IT HAD BEEN A PEACEFUL, UNEVENTFUL, safe series of months living in Israel and I'd almost forgotten that the rest of the world was out there—that Holden wouldn't rest until he'd captured me and killed every last Christian on earth. I knew the believers who were led to Israel came for a reason, but I hadn't yet been given the knowledge of what that reason was.

A series of horrifying dreams was about to change all that.  

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