The Teacher: Part II Testament, Chapter 32

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IT WAS DIFFICULT FOR ANYONE present to fully comprehend what they'd just seen, but no one challenged the authenticity of the video.

"I needed you to see this, primarily so that no one makes the terrible mistake of opening their eyes should you decide to participate in the ceremony. Also, there's no turning back—if anyone is not sure, you really should leave now," Holden informed, then, warned.

The group began to bristle with quiet, controlled conversation, then, a couple stood up.

"This is all amazing, and it's not that we don't believe what you're offering is real, but we're engaged to be married and our dream is just to live a normal life—kids, house, grandkids, till death do us part," the woman said.

"Yeah, we're just not ready. Is it okay if we leave now?" the guy petitioned with both humility and respect.

"Certainly, it's perfectly all right...anyone else?" Holden replied, scanning everyone present.

No one else got up to leave. After a few moments with people looking at each other to sense the mood of the group, they all quieted down again anticipating their turn to experience the remarkable event they'd just witnessed.

"Before your initiation begins, I want to show you some statistics," Holden said.

Again, he nodded to me and I called up the band's web site page displaying charts documenting how the Guardian's gospel was spreading.

"As you can see, in each of the original cities in Europe and Asia the initial group of Guardian converts was around 10,000. That number has doubled during each subsequent week. We expect the same thing to happen here in the United States, North America, and next we'll be touring in South America and finally Africa. In Chicago, at the Soldier's Field concert we played only a month ago, there were over 20,000 new Disciples and that number has grown to 100,000 just in the Chicago area.

"Within a year, the few remaining mortals will constitute a dwindling minority. You can be confident that this is not some passing fad, but you're becoming part of a revolutionary new world order, one in which you will be empowered to conquer death and create a utopia on earth while you are still alive. No more waiting a pitifully brief lifetime hoping for the reward of something better when you die—and all after an indifferent deity looks the other way as tragedy after tragedy befalls you and your loved ones. If you're ready to take the next step, please follow Fallon up to the observation deck and I will join you all in a few minutes to begin your initiation."

THE ANTICIPATION BEGAN TO BUILD again as everyone quietly lined up to follow me to the roof of the Armory. There were three smaller observation turrets on the front and back of the colossal castle-like structure. The middle turret extended upward to the highest point of the building and overlooked Lake Mendota.

Every transformation ceremony unfolded in some unique way, depending on the conditions, the people present, the person facilitating, and apparently the Guardian's goals and mood. I don't think even Holden really knew what was going to happen next.

We all quieted down while waiting for Holden to appear. He walked through the door wearing one of the Masonic ceremonial robes, didn't stop to speak to us, but instead, like walking on water, floated up the spiral stairway inside middle turret, reached the top and turned, facing the placid waters of Lake Mendota. He was holding a sword in one hand and a golden crown in the other. While raising them slowly upward, Holden began speaking.

"Oh Guardian, great Lord of all that is earthly and material, I bring you a new group of souls who wish to align their lives with yours. Show them a sign so they will know you and your power are real."

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