The Teacher: Part II Testament, Chapter 43

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I WAS IN THE LAST GROUP OF CHRISTIANS rounded up in North America and transported to Rome awaiting martyrdom in the renovated Colosseum—the symbolic Final Solution event to mark the end of the practice of Christianity on earth. Holden hadn't forgotten about the Jasper Christians; that they survived a GLSF raid and were still at large, but no one else knew and Holden made sure the information was kept secret so that he could go ahead with the ceremony.

The arena, structurally restored to its original glory, along with many modern improvements, now held 100,000 including media representatives and VIP sky boxes ringing the uppermost level just above the last row of general seating. Their task was to broadcast live the execution of the last Christians on earth out to every country, city, town, and village.

As if that weren't enough, the Guardian ordered that each Disciple and mortal be monitored so that anyone not tuned in to the Final Solution ceremony will receive a Cloud 10.0 transmission directly into their mind in order for everyone on earth to experience the ceremony simultaneously.

Dignitaries had been arriving for days in eager anticipation. Seminars were being held all over Rome preparing for a new world without the influence of any Abrahamic religion, especially Christianity. After many months of preparation, the appointed day and hour for the ceremony had arrived.

HAD CHRISTIANITY SURVIVED, THE WORLD'S billion or so believers would have been celebrating Good Friday during Easter week on the day of the Final Solution ceremony. Instead of looking forward to the glorious resurrection of the crucified Savior, the Guardian's plan was to pound the final nail in the cross from which Christ and His followers would never rise again, and thus reclaim the dignity and power for his father.

The ceremony was scheduled to begin at noon and end at 3 PM—the time period on Good Friday when, according to Christian tradition, Jesus was nailed to the cross until he died.

AFTER THE CHURCH BELLS IN ROME chimed 12 times, Holden walked to the center of the arena to address the assembled throngs, then, bowed his head.

Though the audience was filled with Disciples, each a superior being with considerable powers and virtual immortality, collectively they knew to become respectfully silent as Holden was overshadowed by the Guardian. A hush of anticipation pulsed through the crowd, never knowing what to expect when the Guardian's spirit became visible to the flesh-and-blood world.

This time, instead of Holden changing, a holographic apparition began to form above him. By the time the image fully formed it had grown to the size of the Statue of Liberty, an intimidating presence towering up over the rim of the Colosseum. It was not of a man, but rather a magnificent tree, leafed limbs arching over the assembled faithful. It slowly transformed from an image to a material object, its massive trunk more than 50 feet in diameter.

When Holden was completely overshadowed, an otherworldly voice began to fill the arena.

" witnesses to the dawn of a new era, to mark the restoration of my father's rule on earth. As it was in the beginning, so it shall be again. Lucifer was the greatest, the most powerful, the most beautiful being God ever created. During the next three hours, that glory will be restored when the souls of the last remaining Christians are extinguished. even greater power than mine wishes to reward you for your loyalty and service."

Pod-like structures on the ends of the branches began to open up. They were within arm's length of everyone seated in the arena.

"Reach up, take what you want, my father intends to share his bounty with you, today and forever."

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