The Teacher: Part III Day of Declaration, Chapter 47

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WORD OF THE NEW BAPTISM SPREAD quickly among the Christian rebels in Rome. Within three weeks all had been baptized and received gifts and powers similar to the ones given to the Jasper clan rebels. The first thing Antonio did was to bring back to life all the rebels who'd been killed by GLSF forces and buried in the seven catacomb complexes spread just outside of the city limits of Rome. It was an amazing thing to behold and made believable the stories in the Gospels such as Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.

After meeting several times in an isolated wooded area north of Rome in order to practice using their powers as weapons, Antonio held a meeting in the catacombs located near Via Appia, where he was based, to plan their first skirmish with GLSF forces stationed in Rome. Antonio had good reason to want to act quickly.

"I have friends and relatives trapped in the Vatican feeding station. You know...the one that took over the facilities of the Vatican museum complex and the pope's apartments. What good are our powers if we can't help them? I know it's risky. We can't be sure if our powers will stand up against the sophisticated weapons used by the GLSF, but I'm willing to try. Is anyone with me?" Antonio proposed, his deep emotions driving the dangerous decision.

There were immediate, resounding, and unanimous shouts and claps from everyone in the gallery. First one, then, others spoke up in support of Antonio's idea.

"Let me take what you said a step further, what good is our faith if we're so worried about death that we would refuse to help our brothers and sisters! I say let's plan the attack now and act quickly!"

Then, another.

"Our gifts are God's assurance that this time we won't be slaughtered if we stand up to the Disciples. We can trust in God's promises. Let's not hesitate out of fear!"

Several more spoke up and when the discussion was over, they got down to the serious business of organizing the assault.

THERE WERE THREE TEAMS OF DRONE slave technicians who maintained the life support system keeping the feeding station slaves alive. There were only a handful of GLSF security personnel guarding the station during the third shift which was lightly attended by the few Roman Disciples. They were the ones whose craving was so intense they couldn't wait until morning for their soul-energy infusion.

"I know where the drones' dormitory is—they're kept in the old Hotel Bramante, just a few blocks away. We can brake in there first, free the third-shift crew, someone can lead them back to the catacombs, we'll take their uniforms, and walk right in through the front door of the feeding station," one of the rebels suggested.

"We should have surprise on our side. With any luck we'll free the Christians, subdue the Disciples, and bring everyone back to the catacombs before dawn," another added confidently.

Antonio was listening and taking mental notes. Believing the plan to have a good chance of succeeding, he issued the order to proceed.

"We leave within the hour. I'll need ten of you to go with me. The rest remain here and pray for our success while we're gone. You'll be needed later to tend any wounded and secure any Disciple prisoners."

He turned to me after picking the volunteers.

"Fallon, will you be coming with us...things might get a little rough, though?"


I didn't say so, but I wouldn't have missed being a part of the first action challenging Disciple rule in Rome for anything—no matter the danger, no matter the cost. I wasn't even sure what my gifts were yet, but I was certain that when needed, they would be revealed.

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