The Teacher: Part III Day of Declaration, Chapter 62

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AFTER GOING THROUGH TIGHT SECURITY, we were escorted by armed UN guards into the main lobby. From there we could see a long bumper-to-bumper caravan of limousines bringing delegates for the meeting. I was scheduled to speak at 2 PM but we all wanted to hear some of the other political and humanitarian issues that were being raised from countries all over the world. After everyone arrived, and we were seated in the gallery, the Secretary General opened the meeting.

"I welcome you all to this inaugural Kingdom Age meeting of the restored United Nations. Together we've seen heaven and earth move in preparation for this momentous day. Of course, I say that with the weighty respect of knowing full well what our world has been through during the past two decades—dealing with the Guardian followed by the earth's convulsions during all the geologic upheavals. As you can clearly see, our facility has not only been rebuilt, but completely redesigned to both resemble the wings of a bird in flight as well as the bow of a ship, to signify our commitment to be a force for the kinds of changes that will reflect the hopeful, free, progressive spirit of the Kingdom Age we are now living in.

"It doesn't take much reflection to come up with the mistakes we made as global societies in the Before Times. During that period the world was in need of a Teacher, a Leader, and every one of the world's great religions was expecting that person's arrival. It was not to be, but today we continue to wait patiently until that momentous day when a world shaman, perhaps the Jewish Messiah, or the Muslim Imam Mahdi, maybe the Hindu reincarnation of Krishna, the Buddhist Maitreya, or whomever the Creator may choose to send us, to guide and teach, arrives and becomes known to us. Soon after that glorious day, I hope to have that blessed Soul here to speak to you, but until then, up in the gallery we have a group of distinguished guests, the prophets who have been inspired to write the Holy Book we all cherish, the Kingdom Age Testament. We will hear from their representative in our afternoon session. Would you all please stand up?"

The Secretary General raised his hand to point in our direction as we humbly stood to accept their applause and gratitude. Sitting down, I first noticed that none of the delegates were tethered to headphones listening to translation from English to their native language.

The Holy Spirit was already openly active in the Kingdom Age. The ancient miracle given to Christ and His disciples, that of being understood in the language of the listener, was given to the Secretary General and all the delegates. Whenever anyone was in the United Nations building that translation miracle was active. Such displays of divine intervention, such as the healing waters of certain wells, the healing touch of certain believers, more directly answered prayers, helped bolster people's faith that indeed mankind was entering a glorious millennium as the Kingdom Age unfolded.

"Because of their work, we have a clear understanding of the spiritual goals we are to strive for, and many of them are strongly connected to how we treat each other and how we treat Earth, the planet that sustains us. And so, to please our Creator our organization has to take on much more responsibility than merely to maintain peace among nations. Thankfully, the terrorism that stained our global societies in the Before Times has not yet raised its ugly head, and, if we as a global governing body act to preserve Justice and establish Sharing, desperate people will not have to resort to terrorist acts to change a power structure that does not recognize their needs. This is just one example of the important work we must do on behalf of our global family. During this session, as each of you raise the banner to highlight the issue that matters most to your country, know that believing in perhaps the most sacred spiritual principle—that We are All One, our common welfare interconnected, we will be listening with an ear to act on behalf of that concept. To begin, we will hear from the representative of the newly formed African Union."

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