The Teacher: Part II Testament, Chapter 39

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PASTOR BEN STAYED FOR SEVEN DAYS, teaching, ministering, and helping the clan with a number of ongoing projects. Jason needed a shelter, so everyone in the clan pitched in to gather the building materials, selecting and sawing just the right trees for a simple one-room log cabin. The Indians did something which, at first, the rebel Christians thought was strange at best, and at worse just plain foolish.

Before cutting down a tree for the log cabin, an Indian would approach the tree as if it were a great frozen grizzly bear, respectfully bowing low. Making contact, he would extend his arms around the trunk, using telepathy to ask the tree for permission to cut it down. The response came in the form of an impression—not in words or pictures. Only after receiving permission was the tree cut down.

Understanding the basic principle that there is so much we can all learn from each other, out of respect for the Native American ways the Christians adopted the same practice, though not always making the same deep connection achieved by the Indians.

When Jason's log cabin was completed, the two clans joined in another Indian ritual. All the young maidens went out into the woods to gather willow branches. They made wreaths and slept with the wreath under their pillow. According to the tradition, during the night the maiden would dream of the man they should marry.

Pastor also assisted with the planning and initial construction of an irrigation system from the river to their ever-expanding garden. There was talk of constructing a church, but everyone agreed a building just wasn't necessary.

After all, what could they ever make that could even begin to match the glory and grandeur of their spectacular setting on an island nestled in a valley surrounded by the Canadian Rockies. They sensed it was important not to go back to what they were comfortable with, but rather to rebuild Christianity on a foundation that would not become distorted over time. When Jason's log cabin was completed, Pastor realized he'd better get back to Manistique. Before leaving, Jason requested that Pastor officiate at his baptism ceremony.

JASON HAD COME TO HIS CHRISTIAN FAITH after the Guardian's Legion banned all religious practices, so he never had a chance to be baptized. Now, more than any time going back to the early practice of Christianity, it was important to make a public declaration of having become a member of the Body of Christ, symbolic of being reborn into a new life in Spirit.

Since the times when Jesus walked the Earth, passing on His wisdom for how to lead a truly successful life, after becoming a Christian one or more of the Gifts of the Spirit provided tools to help grow one's faith. These were trying spiritual times and God was about to update the powers a new Christian was given in order to slowly build a force of believers, baptism after baptism, with the ability to turn back the terrible tide of the Guardian's oppression.

The Christian clan all gathered at the banks of the stream meandering through their village. When Pastor Ben walked out into the water, everyone became reverently quiet.

"I'm so thankful for this opportunity to welcome Jason into our brotherhood of believers. So much has changed in our world, but look around you, is this not a paradise, not so unlike the Garden of Eden?"

"Are you sure about that, Pastor? I don't think Adam and Eve had to contend with 10' snow drifts and subzero temperatures during the winter," one of the clan member teased, adding a touch of humor.

"Well, I stand corrected, perhaps not quite the Garden of Eden, but seriously, besides the gift of life, God's creation has provided everything we need to not only survive, but thrive out here in the wilderness. Yes, times are tough, but like Adam and Eve our small community of believers has God's blessing to grow and flourish. We just have to keep our eye on the prize of being faithful to God's calling, practices, and principles, especially now when we have no written account of God's Word to follow. Cherished among our Christian traditions is the sacrament of Baptism. Jason, will you come out into the water and join me, please," Pastor Ben requested.

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