The Teacher: Part III Day of Declaration, Chapter 45

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THOUGH THE ORIGINAL BIBLE served mankind's spiritual needs for the first two dispensations, a new message, a new Gospel was needed for people to progress spiritually into the Kingdom Age. Everything in creation is constantly evolving. That capacity for escalating change toward higher-level complexity is part of the Creator's Grand Design.

If we can imagine the moment the universe was created as the Big Bang described by science, from the explosion of energy and elemental particles slowly stars and galaxies formed which are still even now racing away from each other billions of years later. Stars are factories to create ever more complex elements, as smaller atoms fuse into larger ones.

To continue this evolutionary process, when stars die they release these elements out into the void as space debris, but guided by Intelligent design, under the influence of gravity planets form, and under the rarest of conditions the seeds of life were planted, grew, and living things continued to evolve. Given the number of planets, despite being rare, life should exist throughout the universe.

Today we see the ongoing gift of evolution at work in our world. Individual members of a species are capable of adapting to changing conditions in the immediate world they live in. This intelligence to adapt is widespread and found at all complexity levels of living things. Ants and honey bees can teach other individuals in their group where to go to find a food source. Bacteria have adapted to live in boiling water. Evidence of using tools has now been found in many species from birds to chimps. Higher level communication skills have been displayed by birds, dogs, and primates. We shouldn't be surprised that the Creator's principle of Evolution would apply to our spiritual lives.

Law of Moses evolved into the Age of Grace, a transition paid for by Christ's blood through the sacrifice on the cross. It took a leap of spiritual evolution for believers to embrace Love as a substitute for the rigidity of the Law. What was coming next would require even more spiritual maturity for the believers who were privileged to become part of the Kingdom Age.

IT WASN'T MY PLACE TO JUDGE the Creator's Purpose or even understand the full implications of what I was being asked to write down, but to simply accept the gift I was given, my role to serve in helping restore the possibility on earth of living a spirit-centered life.

The next morning I was up with the song birds and rising sun, settled down in a sunny spot near the stream, iPad on and ready, and enjoyed another manna-from-heaven breakfast of nuts and berries courtesy of my furry and feathered little friends. I began to meditate, waiting for the words to come, waiting for Gloriana to show me what to write down.

It was kind of like falling asleep, but instead of dreaming when Gloriana overshadowed me pictures began streaming into my subconscious, from there into my conscious mind, which I translated into words with the virtual keyboard of my iPad.

To make up for the missing Old and New Testaments, I was first given a kind of summary of what was important to bring into the new Kingdom Age Testament. It took the form of Ten Guiding Revelations to shape the spiritual goals the Creator had for mankind in the Kingdom Age. They also served to review the history of God's relationship with man and the Earth for those who had no knowledge of or access to the original Bible.


In the beginning the raw stuff of the world was without form and void. The power of God breathed shape, order, and purpose into the Divine Energy let loose into the void, condensing to become gasses—first forming the stars, then, the planets, then, over the course of eons of time, guided by the Creator's Hand, life on earth began to roam, first in the water, then on land. Finally, mankind, knowing right from wrong, with a mind to think and reason, with an eternal soul, was seeded on the earth as well as other planets throughout the universe. In all things, the ability to adapt and the capacity to evolve toward higher levels of complexity are fundamental principles of creation. God has always had both a masculine and feminine side, balanced and equal. In the Kingdom Age, believers will once again elevate the Divine Feminine to its rightful place, and consequently all religions and institutions will equally recognize the importance of balancing the number of men and women in decision-making positions.

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