The Teacher: Part III Day of Declaration, Chapter 65

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I WAS BLESSED WITH AN EXCEPTIONALLY long life, long enough to still be alive to participate in the first ever Master Class Group Initiation. From the early days of the Kingdom Age, believers understood that the body's death meant a transition to life in Spirit, but also a transmutation into a glorified body.

As in the Days of Noah, human life spans were extended because of the properties of the miracle seeds given to us by the Spirit Beings from Mars which also reprogrammed the body's DNA to stop outwardly aging at 45. People several hundred years old never looked their age, but when the internal aging clock ran out, they would die. Since the Kingdom Age served a different purpose—that of spiritual evolution, the normal cycle of birth and death was not needed. The Teacher provided an incentive mechanism to extend life even further.

Following the Creator's Laws for Life involved achieving a number of spiritual milestones. Accomplishing them could, if desired, add years to one's life in the body. Without realizing it, I'd managed to stay alive for 800 years, along with most of the original prophets who were involved in writing the books of the Kingdom Age Testament. Along with a number of other enlightened souls, we made up the first Group Initiation graduation class!

I was asked to be the keynote speaker. The event was held in the original Genesis location for the historical Garden of Eden—pristine and hidden, it was nestled in a desolate valley, a paradise east of Israel between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, and for some reason throughout all of human history, was never inhabited. It was also one of the few areas on our planet protected from destruction during the geological upheavals of the seven-year Time of Troubles period.

In this first graduating class, 1,000 believers who'd achieved Master Class spiritual status were represented. The Teacher and His Masters transported all of us to the site using their beam-me-up-Scotty powers to dematerialize and transport material objects, mere child's play for these supremely advanced Beings. Just before the ceremony began, like He did on the Day of Declaration, the Teacher opened a telepathic channel to every person on Earth. This time, a live video feed was embedded with the voice audio as the world looked on through the Teacher's eyes.

IN THE CENTER OF THIE MAGICAL LAND was the Tree of Life, a remnant of the original Garden of Eden, which survived and miraculously continued growing larger and larger for thousands of years. The trunk was the diameter of a city block. Over the eons, like the canopy of a rainforest, the massive trunk structure had developed an entirely self-sufficient ecosystem with creatures especially adapted to living there.

The dense tree canopy of branches and leaves extended up for hundreds of feet to a 50-acre prairie at the crown. Over time the dense vines that grew there gradually built up a soil layer of decomposed organic material. The lush meadow was populated with other plants and animals and normal-sized pomegranate trees, descendents of the original Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It was actually a ruby-red pomegranate, not what we think of as an apple, that Eve handed to Adam.

When Adam bit into that forbidden fruit, instead of being the Original sin, mankind was launched by the Creator on a necessary and guided journey leaving spiritual childhood behind to earn a mature, enlightened faith based on free-will choices and the knowledge of good and evil. Coming full circle thousands of years later, we were back in the original cradle of life that gave birth to the intelligent creatures with God-given souls we know as human beings.

After arriving we found ourselves sitting on concentric circular rows of sturdy three-foot mushrooms with caps. Because of the constant mist in the air and swirling convection currents above the Tree of Life, overhead was a permanent double rainbow—one oriented east to west, the other north to south. Directly under the apex of the crossed rainbows was a platform made up of a huge bracket mushroom, like those half plates that grow out from the trunks of dying trees, only this one, beautifully colored in earth-tone beiges and browns, was the size of a school auditorium stage. The intelligent, sentient, bracket fungus, knowing what the Teacher needed for the ceremony, grew in the shape of natural steps leading up to an elevated level platform, all made of the living plant body.

Approaching the top, I paused to give thanks for everything that I'd been through leading to this moment. I'd said goodbye to my loved ones and was truly ready to take the next step to realizing the Teacher's desire that each of us advance spiritually until we become One with the divine Beings who make up the Creator's Family.

By the time I reached the platform, I was crying. Since we were all empathetically joined at the telepathic hip, everyone watching understood, and most were feeling the same way. The Teacher was just finishing His opening words, explaining to the world what they would be witnessing.

"My beloved children, mankind has been through a long and difficult spiritual journey in order to arrive at this special time and place, this milestone for all humanity. I'll admit, I wasn't always certain this day would come. Each and every one of you who had the faith to channel your free will decisions in the direction of the Creator's important principles of Life and Love, Justice and Sharing, deserve credit for making the promise of this day a reality. Well, the moment has arrived. Fallon Ford will be speaking to you before the actual Transmutation ceremony begins. It is my desire that each and every person watching will one day add to my growing group of Masters, take on your glorified bodies, and graduate to the next level of your spiritual development as there is much work still to do throughout the Creator's universe. And now...Fallon Ford!"

The believers who'd come through the Time of Troubles with me and remembered what I'd been through, stood up to offer their generous extended applause. For the younger ones, I was just a revered historical figure they read about in the Kingdom Age Testament, but out of respect they, too, stood and cheered politely. Given the significance of the moment for all of us, I waited patiently for them to sit down again before beginning my remarks.

"Thank you...thank you one and all...I'm the one standing before you, but there are many here whose achievements equally qualify you to be here in my place. What I'm trying to say is that we began this momentous journey together, were launched into the unknown to survive the Time of Troubles, and together, by the grace of the Creator we are all made perfect in our imperfection. Now we are about to embark on a spectacular new spiritual adventure. Though we don't know exactly what awaits on the other side, I can tell you that life in Spirit, the first phase spent in our glorified bodies, will be even more fulfilling and challenging than what we've experienced here on Earth. The details will be revealed once we get there, but for now rest assured that each person in this group has earned the right to take the next step toward a life in the presence of the Creator, the Teacher, the other Masters, and all the believers who have preceded us in death. I really don't want to postpone the ceremony another moment so, we, your devoted disciples, would be honored to join you on a spiritual plane and continue to Serve."

WITH THOSE CLOSING COMMENTS, and despite my heart pounding, my mind racing, my soul nearly paralyzed, I stepped back, closed my eyes, and folded my hands over my heart in silent prayer. Everyone in the group joined me by standing up, also posing prayerfully.

Present in Spirit, the Teacher and the Masters then began the Group Initiation transmutation.

A globe of heavenly plasma, brilliant like a thousand suns, slowly descended from the clouds and came to rest directly overhead, right above the apex of the two crossed rainbows. The globe's energy began to intensify the color bands in the rainbows. From the apex, individual channels of color began extending in our direction. When the color beams made contact with us, each person's guardian angel was clearly visible, waiting behind us to serve as our escorts to the Other Side. The sphere then roared with the echo of a thousand thunder bolts while sending the lightning strikes of transmutation energy along the color channels and into our bodies!

With an explosive, but brief rush of intense sensation, painlessly the physical material that made up our bodies was disintegrated and transported along the energy beam, back to the apex and through a wormhole to heaven that had formed behind the glowing orb. There our essence was reassembled in the form of our glorified bodies.

Our guardian angels, who'd made this journey many times before, escorting the souls of the deceased to heaven, greeted each of us with a hearty hug and congratulations on a job well done!

Looking around, what I saw did not fulfill any of my childish expectations of what heaven would be like...

to be continued...

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