Strike (Masky X Reader)

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Sorry if I hadn't updated in a long time, I been busy with school and all. ANYWAYS, I hope you enjoy this one.

(l/b)= little brother name
(F/f)= favorite flavor

You knew summer was coming soon, but you didn't expect it to be so hot, usually your at work inside, where there's an air conditioner on all the time, but when you get home, it was hot as hell's flames, so you blame Satan for this. Anyways you thought it was a good idea to take your little brother for ice cream today, so right now your on your way to the ice cream shop with (l/b). You got (f/f) flavor and your brother got chocolate, then walk to the park to eat your ice creams on the swings because you thought the park is beautiful, wonderful, plus it's huge (NOT LIKE THAT). There's the woods on the other side of the fence, you always stayed away from there because you felt someone is always watching you, that kind of feeling that the wood gives off.

"Hey, (y/n)? What's it like to 'love' someone?"  your brother asked, you almost choke on your ice cream, you looked at him, he was blushing a little bit, you smiled.

"Why do you ask? Is there someone you like?" You tease him.

"N-NOOO!!! I just....want to...know" You looked at you.

"Well I guess I'll try to explain. Love a feeling you have when you like someone very much that give you butterflies in your stomach and your heart is telling you that is your soul mate, and it's rare to feel that emotion, but not rare when your with your family of course. To be honest, I don't know how's it like to be in love with someone else, all I know is that I love you." You give (l/b) a heart warming smile. Your brother looked at you then give his adorable smile. You finished your ice creams then went to the playground to go up and down the slides.

It was getting to be sunset, so you both started to walk home. Of course you didn't worry too much about anyone hurting you, you thought you lived in a safety neighborhood. You and (l/b) were just walk the street but you heard a gunshot fired, you froze hearing the echoes of the sound, then you quickly grab you little brother and got to the closest car which was a truck then got down. You covered your brother's ear, you didn't want him to heard the gunshots, you look over your shoulder to a old crazy guy with a gun, he was wasn't far but wasn't too far were you and (l/b) were at.

"Don't cry, or make a sound okay. Today was a good day, so don't worry (l/b)." You whisper to him very quietly, he stayed calm and nodded his head like everything is going to be okay, you smiled to make him feel comfort and not worry, 'that's my brother' you thought to yourself. You looked back to the old man again and he talking about how he should be president, crap like that, you carefully looked at what he's wearing, the old man had a hospital gown on, he's probably from the mental hospital close by, 'Why the fuck did they built a fucking mental hospital around here?!' You thought about how much more stupid could the world be.

It's been a minute since the gun shots been fired. You and (l/b) were calm about it, never made a sound, just sitting on ground behind the truck being unseen. But then you heard the foot steps coming closer to you and your brother. Pulling (l/b) the other way, still on a low level, quietly without saying a word to him, he knows that the guy is getting closer to your location. While going towards away from mental guy, (l/b) didn't notice the rock and trip on it, he groan very low but loud enough for the old man to hear.

"I can hear you!! Just come out so I could end your life, makes it enjoyable for me and faster for you to deal with this!!" The old man laugh like psycho he acting like, (l/b) started to hold your hand. It was getting hot, even at night, you felt warm, even holding your brother's hand makes you sweat. You noticed that your brother is really small and quiet, so you signal him to go far from here while you distract the guy, of course he was refusing until you told him it was going to be okay. He position himself to start to run for his little special life, when threw a rock at ground to grab his attention.

"HEY!! Come out from where you are with your hands in the air!!" The guy yelled in your direction, you put your hands in the air, and slowly standing up, now you can see his face clearly, the guy had a bit blood on his hospital gown and you can clearly see the insane feeling he has from his facial expression. "Well look what we have here, well I'm lucky!! Getting to see a pretty little girl like you, and I know what to do with little girls like you~...". He said it with a lick on his lips at the end.

'I prefer you shoot me instead then having to be rape by you...' You thought feeling disgusted by his words, you saw a figure coming behind him with a knife in hand, ready to attack him. You quickly look over to see your little brother already hiding across the street behind a car this time, you were relief. You put your eyes back on the mentally retarted rapist.

"Sorry to say sweetheart, but I have to end your girly life...goodbye." He reload the gun as he pointed at you. The figure in the back held up his knife,

"SHE WILL LIVE FOR MEE!!" Your savior, strike down onto his head with all his force, you never saw someone that strong. Meanwhile your eyes wide open, you kind of felt embarrass when he said that you'll live for him. When the man was on the ground you ran with your savior towards your little brother who was hugging you tight when he saw you, you hug (l/b) back really tight. You asked if he okay, of course he'll tell you that he's fine, you signed and told him that you'll clean his knee, which was bleeding not too much. You notice that the guy that saved you is still standing right there, he had a feminine black and white mask, which you thought it didn't look bad on him.

"T-Thank you for what happened back there, I-I mean it I would never get to see another day if you weren't there." You said looking at him with a smile while slightly blushing but it was dark to see. Even if it was dark you can clearly see his ear turning to the color red, he turned his head away from you.

"Your welcome.." He said softly in a low voice, then you guys heard the police sirens ringing.

"Quick, let's go to my place, I mean if you want to!" You said already have (l/b) on your back.

"That's fine with me, come on let's go!" He started to run with you, good thing is that your home is three houses down. You opened the door with the key, just in time before the police came, the guy shut the door. You put down your little brother on the couch, you told to sit down if he like to while you get the first aid kit, when you came back, you smiled when you heard (l/b) laughing a little. After you cleaning up his knee cut, you send to brush his teeth so you can put him to sleep. When he was getting ready to bed, you realized that you don't your savior's name.

"So what's your name? Since you know, you never told me." You asked smiling.

"Just call me Masky, and I already know what's your name." First you found it cute that his name is Masky but then was a little shocked that he knows your name, then he told you that always watch you from the woods sometimes, you smack his head saying that was creepy of him because you know....IT'S FUCKING CREEPY SHIT!!! You guys talk a little while, you even ask about what he said earlier when stabbing the insane man, you said pretending like you didn't know, Masky just had his ears red and object that you heard anything, this went on for a few  until he said he needed to go, but from the back the police won't catch him, you wonder why but he said it was nothing. And with that he went off, you put (l/b) to sleep but you didn't sleep well because the thoughts of your savior striking down with knife into the mental insane guy.....'such strength~...'   you thought with a smile on your face.

SORRY FOR LATE UPDATES AND SUCH, I LOVE YOU ALL EQUALLY!! PLEASE REQUEST VOTE AND COMMENT!! I also wanted to ask if I should make OC story, if you know what I mean, please comment. ANYWAYS THANKS FOR READING!!

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