Fuck Straight Lines (Jeff The Killer X Male!Reader)

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Every book needs a little homo. (Admin)



''Dude...'' You started.


''I fucking love circles.''

''It's cause you're a circle.''

''You're a circle too, dude.''

''I know.''

''I love you, you shitty circle.''

''I love you too, you fucking circle.'' You both laughed it off, it was a weird conversation but it was for the fucks of it. You and Jeff, huh? Wow how did that came to be. Well no one really knows, he was probably drunk. Uh yeah no, he was gay for you even before the accident happen, you guys used to hang out at school, everywhere, anytime. People used to think you were stupid for hanging out with THE Jeffery Woods, because they always think that Jeff was weird, but who the fuck cares now? Your a senior already, years passed by, at first you didn't recognize the little shit at first because of his appearance and voice, but then you remember blah blah blah, and all that good shit.

Well, when you two started to hang out again, it was like just before, it would everywhere, and anytime you were free. Until one day, you guys were drinking a bit, he's not drunk but was a little off. He spilled everything out from the way he felt after the accident to how he feels now, as he told you how he likes you a lot. It was sweet, so you took his feelings for a relationship. It felt weird at first, considering the fact you and him are both males, but you became comfortable with each other which was nice.

You thought that Jeff would rush things, but you were wrong. It was slow and nice.



''I want this to last.''

''Me too.''

''No matter what I'll get mad at you for, expect if you cheat, I will always forgive you.''

''And I'll do the same thing, Jeff.''
Shared a kiss and fell asleep.

Yeah I know I only wrote bullshit. But it's nice bullshit at least. Anyways vote, comment, and especially request. As always, thanks for reading.


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