Chapter 1

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Fiddleford was cleaning up the kitchen when the door slammed open. He looked up in surprise to see Ford grinning in the door way.
"Look what I found!" Fords checks were red. He had obviously been running as fast as he could to get to the house. It must be very important.
"What did you find?" Fiddleford asked. Curiosity filled his body.
"A polymorphic organism" Ford screeched out of excitement whilst reaching into his bag. 
"A shapeshifter?" Fidd questioned
"Yes. A shapeshifter, what else would you call a polymorphic organism?" Ford babbled as he reached into his bag.
"Why would you bring it here?" Fidd panicked. He had seen scifi movies about shapeshifters and was quite frankly scared of what it could do.
"For science, dummy" Ford teased. "Anyway I know you will love it" Ford smiled pulling a small translucent creature from his bag.
"Why would I lo-" Fiddleford stopped. He froze because the shear cuteness of the creature Ford was holding before him.
"I knew you would say that" Ford chuckled as he watched Fidd's eyes widen and a smile grew on his face.
"It's cute, can I hold it?" Fidd was delighted by the creature they had welcomed into their home. Ford handed over the squishy creature. "Why, it's just like a little baby" Fidd said in amazement. Soon Fidd grew quiet. Tears formed in his eyes and he began to wheeze. This creature reminded Fidd of his son, Tate. His son was still in Palo Alto and in the middle of a custody battle between Fidd and Tate's mother. "I really miss him" Fidd snivelled.
"Oh Fidd it's okay, I know you will win custody of Tate" Ford patted Fidd on the back for reassurance "Who would in their right mind give that devil woman a child anyway" Ford smiled trying to make Fidd feel better .
"I did" Fidd whimpered as tears rolled down his face. "I didn't even love her. It was just a drunken mistake and then we where forced to get married because my parents thought it was a sin, and, and now I might not ever get to see my son again!" Fidd wailed.
"Fidd I know that you love him so much and I know that you will get him back. Then he can come and live here with us" Ford wrapped his arms around Fidd, being cautious of the little creature in Fidd's arms and kissed him on the Cheek.
"And until that day comes, this little shapeshifter can be like our son" Ford smiled at Fidd.
"Really?" Fidd wiped tears from his eyes.
"Absolutely. It will be great practice for me to be a parent, I reckon I would be a great dad" Ford teased. Fidd smiled at Ford and kissed him on the cheek "I think you will be an awesome dad"
They both looked down apon the little shapeshifter. It was gazing straight back up at them with its massive eyes.
"What should we call him?" Fidd mumbled.
"I don't know. We have never actually named our discoveries before" Ford rubbed the back of his neck.
"Well he's not a discovery, he's our son and a son needs a name"
"Alright, um what about shifty?" Ford guessed.
"Shifty?" Fidd looked at Ford with a raised brow.
"Yeah. Cause of his 'shifty' personality" Ford chuckled
"You're lucky you're handsome, because I don't think I could cope with your terrible puns" Fidd smiled.
"Fine, what, Iden" Ford looked pleased with himself.
"Iden.Why Iden?" Fiddleford looked confused.
"Short for identical . You know because he's a shapeshifter, he can be identical to everything" Ford explained.
"It's a bit unorthodox, but I like it. Iden it is" Fidd smiled.

"We best be getting off to bed" Fidd yawned.
"Okay, I'm going to stay and do some work"
"Fine. Don't stay up too late though. It takes a lot of energy to raise a child"
They both leaned in and gave a sweet but short kiss on the lips before Fiddleford walked down the hall to his bedroom, whilst cradling the tiny beast in his arms.

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