Chapter 9

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Iden was growing everyday. Ford and Fidd were very pleased with his progress. He was now walking and speaking in full sentences. Ford still studied him. He would observe his actions and sometimes take small samples of cells and blood but Iden was used to this by now and loved getting to work with his dad.

One evening they were all down in Fords private study. Fidd was observing a machine he had been working on for a while. Ford was working with Iden at his desk. Observing how he could morph shapes.

Ford left Iden on the desk to go find some more paper to write down his observations. On the desk was a pile of books. In one of the books a photograph was hanging out. This caught Iden's attention and he studied the photograph. He recognised his father but not the other person that was in the picture. They looked similar. He thought that if he shifted in to the other person his dad would look as happy as he did in the picture. His skin began to morph. His colouration changed and his body changed shape.
Iden looked down at his hands he had five long fingers and pale skin. He looked at the small mirror on the table. He couldn't wait to show his dad what he did.

Soon Ford returned. He was looking down at his clipboard.
"Now that didn't take long did it?" Ford then looked up to see the small replica of his brother.
"Ta-dah!" Iden flung his arms open wide. Ford gasped in horror and looked away.
"Please change back" Ford begged.
"Why?" Iden was confused. He thought he father would like this surprise.
"CHANGE BACK NOW!" Ford demanded.
Fidd looked up from his desk and raced over to Ford.
"Don't you yell at him. He didn't know!" Fidd screamed at Ford.
He scooped up Iden into his arms.
"Come on honey, lets go up stairs" Fidd whispered down at Iden's tearful eyes. Fidd then stepped into the elevator, cradling his son.

Ford looked down at his desk. He glared at the photo of him and his brother. He grabbed hold of his head and let out a deep exhale.

Upstairs, Fiddleford had set Iden on the kitchen table.
"Why did he yell at me?" Iden asked tearfully.
"Oh honey it wasn't your fault. Just sometimes you can't change into certain people" Fidd patted him on the head.
"Well, some people just get a little bit overwhelmed with seeing a certain person" Fidd looked deep into Iden's giant eyes.
"Like daddy got upset"
"Exactly. Daddy didn't mean to shout at you, he loves you very much. And now you know you can't morph into just anyone, okay" Fidd smiled at Iden.
"Okay" he nodded.

At that moment Ford walked into the room. Fiddleford glared at him and then flicked his eyes toward Iden then back to Ford. Fidd walked away from the table toward Ford. He paused as met him in the door way and looked in his eyes. Then he left the room. Ford walked over to Iden. He sat down on the chair.
"You okay? I'm sorry for shouting" Ford apologised. "You know I love you very much and I would never want to upset you ever. But I just got a bit upset" Ford looked directly into Iden's eyes and smiled.
"I know. Dad said I can't shift into anything I want because some people get upset" Iden looked right back at Ford.
"Exactly" Ford leaned in and kissed Iden on the head.

Fidd was leaning on the doorframe.
"It's getting late, it's time for bed" Fidd held out his hand. Iden jumped off of the table and walked over to Fidd. He grabbed hold off his hand and they walked down the corridor to Iden's room.

Fidd helped tuck Iden in to his bed.
"I will see you in the morning. Goodnight" Fidd kissed Iden on the forehead and gave him his teddy.
"Good night" Iden whispered back as he drifted off into a deep sleep.
Fidd waited and watched him for a while to make sure he was deep into his sleep before leaving the room to talk to Stanford.

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