Chapter 13

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Weeks past. Iden had grown even more and as he grew so did his mischief. He became a handful for both Fidd and Ford. He would refuse to do certain tasks, morph into household items to try and hide from his parents. Fidd and Ford couldn't take much more of his games.

They were all sitting at the table, enjoying some breakfast. Iden began to play with his food.
"Iden, eat it properly" Ford said sternly. Iden ignored him.
"IDEN" Ford snapped. Iden sat still, looking down at his cereal. Iden then looked up, he had a grin on his face. Fidd knew what he was thinking.
"Don't do it" Fidd warned. He disobeyed him and began to morph. His skin turned metallic grey. He shifted into a spoon.
"Iden" Fidd moaned.
"Just ignore him. He will realise it isn't much fun being a spoon and change back" Ford muttered.
"You're right" Fidd went back to eating his breakfast.

About twenty minutes had past and Iden decided to change back.
"Was it fun being a spoon?" Ford teased. Iden didn't respond. Fidd began to clean up the table.
"Uhh. I'm so bored" Iden moaned as he slid off his chair.
"Well, go make up some game or something" Ford uttered.
"I want to go outside!" Iden demanded.
"You know your not allowed outside"
"Why?" Iden groaned.
"Because it's dangerous outside" Fidd uttered from the kitchen sink.
When Iden was a child they decided to never let him outside. What if someone were to see him. What he got taken by a monster. They were both scared of the consequences, so they thought it would be best to keep him safe inside.
"But you get to go outside. I'm not scared" Iden spoke with courage.
"Well, you should be" Ford looked down at him.
"I'm not scared of anything. I will show you" Iden ran across the room to the front door.
"IDEN! FORD STOP HIM!" Fidd screamed. Iden was at the door and twisted the handle. As he pulled the door open, Ford gabbed hold of him and pulled him inside.
"Don't ever do that again. DO YOU HEAR ME!" Ford raised his voice as he closed the door behind him.
"Don't shout at me!" Iden screamed at Ford.
"I will shout at you! We made a rule and you tried to break it!"
"I'm glad I tried! I don't want to live here anymore! I hate you!" Iden yelled back at Ford.
"Go to your room!" Ford demanded. Iden squinted his eyes at Ford and began to morph. Iden had shifted into Stanley.
"I hate you both!"
Ford froze, he was so shocked he almost fainted.
"IDEN, GO TO YOUR ROOM!" Fidd yelled from across the table. Iden then shifted back to normal and hurried off down the corridor to his room.

Fidd got up and ran toward Ford. He was still in shock but Fidd's touch was enough to make him snap out of it. Fidd was crying, tears were rolling down his face.
"Do you think he meant that. Do you think he really hates us? Are we bad parents?" Fidd whimpered as he buried his head into Fords shoulder.
"No. We are good parents, he was just upset" Ford wrapped his arms around Fidd.
"I'm sorry for what happened, are you okay?" Fidd gazed into Fords eyes.
"Yeah, I'm fine. It just caught me off guard" Ford whispered.
"Do you think we did the right thing? Treating him like our son?" Fidd questioned.
"I don't know" Ford whispered as he hugged Fidd tighter. They stood in each other's embrace for a while thinking about what they have done.

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