Chapter 17

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Fidd and Ford walked down the hallway hand in hand for reassurance. They found Iden sitting in the living room watching the television. As he noticed Fidd and Ford standing in the doorway he morphed into the chair. He was scared that his parents would still be mad at him.
"Iden please. Turn back, were not mad we just want to speak to you" Fidd strode into the room and sat beside Iden. He morphed back to his original form.
"You're not mad?" Iden looked up at Fidd.
"No. I could never be mad at you" Fidd then hugged the small being of translucent flesh.
"Iden. Me and your dad have something we want to talk to you about" Ford stepped into the room.
"What. If your still mad about yesterday. I promise-" Iden was stopped.
"Please just listen to us" Fidd interrupted. Ford stepped closer toward Iden.
"Now, me and your dad were thinking about what happened yesterday and think it might be good for you to explore outside of the house" Ford sat down beside Fidd.
"Really?" Iden asked curiously.
"Yes. We were thinking about maybe letting you live in a place in the woods" Ford placed his arm around Fidd's shoulder.
"But what about living here, I want to stay with you" Iden pleaded. Fidd looked up at Ford, his lip quivered. Ford knew exactly what Fidd was thinking 'they made the wrong decision'. The only thing he could think to do was just tighten his grip around Fidd's shoulder.
"Well. Um. It's your choice. Maybe until you think your old enough to leave and explore the bunker" Fidd stuttered. He looked back at ford and shrugged.
"Okay. It sounds fun" Iden said as he got up from the floor.

Ford then asked Iden to leave the room for a while because he needed to talk to Fidd in privacy. Iden did as he was told and went to his room.
"What was that?" Ford was bewildered.
"Well. I-i. Didn't you see the look in his eyes? He said he didn't want to leave. How could i force him to do something he obviously isn't ready to do!" Fidd jumped up in anger.
"No need to get angry Fidd"
"I'm sorry. It's just I was so prepared to do it but I just crumbled" Fidd sighed as he dropped his head into his hands.
"Look Fidd it's okay he obviously not ready to leave us and we are not ready to let go of him either" Ford stood up and pulled Fidd in for a hug.
"But what about all of the time spent trying to agree on what to do?" Fidd snivelled.
"Nonsense. I said I would never do anything to upset you and I am a man of my word. So Iden stays for as long as he wishes" Ford kissed Fidd's nose.
"Oh I love you" Fidd smiled at ford.
"I love you too Fidd"

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