Chapter 20

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As the months past Ford and Fidd's visitations became less and less frequent. Iden was beginning to turn angry in his state of neglect. He would wonder aimlessly around the vast space of the empty bunker. Waiting for a sound of his parents voices or foot steps but his hopes were met with cold silence.  He began to writhe in his impatience and slow descent into insanity. He couldn't stand living alone, waiting in the dark everyday, waiting for interaction or the chance to see the sunlight once more. He was slowly going insane. He would morph into different creatures and people to pretend he was having conversations with other life forms.

One day Iden awoke to the sound of the chamber bolts unlocking, the squeak of the rust door was so pleasing to Iden. He looked up to see Ford in a terrible state. He had tiered, blood shot eyes. His face was filthy and rough stubble had grown on his face due to lack of care. His clothing was worn out, the edges of his coat were in tatters and holes were scattered all over his sweater. He was alone. This struck Iden as peculiar because he and Fidd were never apart and he knew Fiddleford would always jump at the chance to come see his son.
"H-hi dad, it's been a while, ninety six days, seventeen hours, forty three minuets and eight seconds to be exact" Iden chuckled quietly.
"That long has it?" Ford reached out for the journal in his coat.
"W-where's dad?" Iden stuttered, he was actually quite scarred of Ford due to his appearance and his reluctancy to give him a hug or even friendly smile, this was not his beloved father. This was a nervous wreck slipping between the cracks of madness and paranoia. Ford just looked up at Iden, gave out a long sigh "he's gone" Ford whispered in regret as he looked at Iden's giant pleading eyes.
"W-what?" Iden stuttered in fear of what Ford had said.
"HES GONE, IDEN! HE LEFT ME AND HE LEFT YOU! I would have thought with your special abilities you would have heard it very clearly" Ford bawled in a fit of rage.
Iden said nothing, he just looked down at his feet remaining very quiet and fearful of his father.
"I'm sorry, that shouldn't have been aimed at you. I've just been a bit shaken since he left" Ford spoke in a soft tone. Iden looked up at Ford with tearful eyes "was it because of me?" He snivelled.
"No. No. It was just, um, well the reason is quite complicated but it had nothing to do with you. He loves you very much" Ford moved in for a hug.
"But why did he leave" Iden snivelled in Ford enbrace.
"I JUST TOLD YOU! ITS COMPLICATED!" Ford snapped once more. Iden flinched and stepped away from Ford.
"I'm sorry" Ford apologised once more.
"If you don't mind would you please sit down so I can get another blood sample" Ford asked as he pulled a needle from his bag.
"D-dad, I-I really don't think your in the state of mind to be using needles" Iden stuttered and took another step back.
"Oh for god sake, Iden. I'm fine! You turned out just like Fiddleford and your not even his son!" Ford rambled whilst waving the needle around.
"What? I-I'm not his son?" Iden questioned.
"Well that's what I said. You not his son and your not my son!You are just a polymorphic organism that was abandoned but we found you. If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be living in here and you would probably be dead!" Ford hissed blinded by rage he was oblivious to what he was saying.
"S-so I'm in this, this hell because of you? I lived my entire life enclosed in walls because you thought I was abandoned? This is all your fault. Your not even my father !" Iden began to grow angry. All of the pent up rage and madness was finally being released in a deadly mixture. Ford had realised what he had said and tried to calm Iden down.
"N-now Iden that's not true. Think of all the good years we have had together, huh?". This attempt to reason with Iden had failed. He clenched his fists. He was going to kill Ford.

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