Chapter 5

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Ford entered his pivate study. It was dimly lit and a few illustrations of a one eyed triangular demon were placed around the room. (This was before Ford's obsession with Bill had really grown. It was after his deal with Bill but still his shrine for the 'muse' was just beginning) Ford lit a few candles and sat cross legged on the floor. He then fell into a deep meditation.

Ford awoke in the deep vacuum of the mind scape. It was a deep blue. Clocks, blueprints and journals floated effortlessly before him. A faint sound of a clock ticking could be heard in the distance. Ford wandered through the mind scape looking for his 'muse'. He eventually found him sitting in a blue armchair, sipping tea.
"Hello Bill" Ford greeted him with a friendly wave.
"Hello Stanford" Bill looked up from his cup of tea. He snapped his fingers, another armchair, a cup of tea and a game of chess manifested out of thin air. Ford took a seat, moved a chess piece, putting the game into motion and took a sip of his tea.
"So what is the situation with you, beanpole and that morphing creature?" Bill looked over at Ford with a raised brow. Ford choked on his tea in surprise. He sputtered as he tried to get he breath back.
"Well, um. You see. Uh" Ford stammered trying to find his words "Bill I'm sure your aware of mine and Fiddlefords relationship" Ford spoke in confidence trying to keep control of the conversation. "and I found this shapeshifter, knowing that we would never be able to conceive a child we adopted the shapeshifter. That's all" Ford then looked down at the chess set trying to change the subject to the game. Bill kept staring at Ford
"that's all, is it?" Bill said with a slight hint of aggression.
"Yeah" Fords voice quaked as he felt inferior to Bills power.
"Are you sure this commitment won't effect your work?" Bill questioned, he knew Ford was cracking under the pressure of his questions and he loved watching him panic to find a response.
"N-no, I have found out lots about the shapeshifter and even more about human genetics because of Iden" Ford stammered.
"Iden? You have given it a name" Bill raised his brow.
"Y-yes his name is iden, it's Short for identical"
"Well, seeming as you are finding out so much from 'iden' I guess it doesn't seem like a problem. But don't let it get in your way Ford. Your progress with the portal has really taken shape. Don't let this creature get in your way" Bill warned.
"I won't" Ford spoke out in confidence.
"Good but remember I'm all ways watching" Bill chanted, soon came a flash of light and Ford awoke from his meditation. He got up from the floor, snubbed out the candles and walked over to the elevator.

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