Chapter 2

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Ford finished up his work in his study and felt extremely tired. He got up from his desk and ordered his papers into a neat pile. He let out a small breath of air. He thought it was time to go to bed.
He walked over to the elevator door and rode it up to the house. As the elevator doors creaked open Ford decided to go and give Fidd a good night kiss before bed.

As he opened the bedroom door he saw Fiddleford peacefully sleeping in his bed. Fidd was curled around Iden. Ford smiled at this sight of his lover protectively cuddling their adopted child. Ford moved over to the bed and kissed Fidd on the forehead. He then looked down at Iden and smiled. He then kissed his index and middle finger an placed them on Iden's head, very gently because he didn't want to wake him. 

Ford then left the bedroom and walked down the corridor toward his room. He was so tired but he couldn't help but smile from pure happiness. He and Fidd's life was finally taking the next step, parenthood. Sure both of them were a little scared but who wouldn't be when they first get a child. Ford opened his bedroom door and slumped on his bed to get some much needed rest.

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