Chapter 3

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The next morning Ford walked into the kitchen to find Fiddleford sitting at the table, bottle feeding the little shapeshifter. He looked at the warm smile on Fidd's face and sympathetic gaze in his eyes as he looked down on the translucent creature.
"How did you sleep?" Ford asked.
"Wonderful, Iden just went straight to sleep. He didn't even wake up the entire night" Fidd looked up at Ford.
"Good" Ford smiled softly.He hadn't seen him this happy in a while, sure Fidd was always happy to be with Ford. They enjoyed each others company very much and always showed their affection through kisses, hugs and the occasional time in bed together, but this is a look Ford has only seen on his face when he looked at pictures of Tate. He really cared for Iden as if he was he real son. Ford loved to see Fidd this happy and decided he would do all he could to keep it this way.

Ford walked over to Fidd and Iden who was cradled in Fidd's lap. Ford looked down at Iden. His eyes were large and locked on Stanford.
"Hey there little fella" Ford spoke softly. Iden stopped drinking and spat out the nipple of the bottle. Fidd looked up at Ford in amazement.
"Keep talking. I think he likes it" Fidd whispered
"Oh okay, um. Hey Iden, I'm -ur, um , I'm your dad" Ford paused and looked up at Fidd. He nodded in encouragement for him to keep talking. Iden remained enchanted by Ford. "I'm your dad" Ford said once more, he then reached down and stroked Iden's head.
Iden's skin then began to shudder.
"W-what's happening?" Ford asked In a panicked tone. "I-i don't know" Fidd began to panic, he didn't know what was wrong with Iden. Soon his flesh moulted into a miniature Stanford. Fidd laughed out of panic and humour "he shifted into you!" Fidd cackled. Ford almost leaped out of his skin in surprise of what he had just witnessed. "Fascinating" Ford leaned in to get a better look at Iden's new form.
"If I just take a tissue sample I could-" Ford was stopped mid sentence.
"NO! He is our baby, how could you say something like that or even think of it" Fidd exclaimed out of fury. He looked at Ford in disgust as he clutched Iden close to his chest.
"Sorry. I got caught up in my scientific thoughts" Ford apologised as he looked at Fidd. "But the better we understand his genetic makeup, the better we can take care of him" Ford tried to persuade Fidd.
"I guess so. It would probably benefit him as well if we can care for him better" Fidd looked down at Iden.
"Exactly and I will take only a small sample"
"Okay, but if I tell you to stop you have to stop" Fidd demanded.
Ford nodded his head and walked over to his bedroom to collect his instruments.

Fidd was gazing at Iden and watched in delight as he morphed back to his original form. Soon Ford returned with a bag full of instruments and Petri dishes.
"You ready?" Ford asked as he pulled out a small scalpel and Petri dish. Fidd nodded his head and tired to look away. He grabbed hold of Iden's arm and held it out.
"It's okay, it's okay" Fidd tried to keep hold of Iden's attention so he wouldn't react as much when the scalpel slices into his flesh. Ford slowly and carefully carved out a small piece of Iden's skin. Iden gave out a small squeal of pain and tried to pull his arm away. Fidd's eyes grew tearful at the sound of Iden's painful cry.
"it's okay, almost done" Fidd tried to reassure him.
"Keep him still Fidd" Ford demanded.
"I'm trying. Your hurting him" Fidd snapped at Ford.
"I know, I'm trying to be gentle, I'm almost finished" Ford apologised.
Iden squealed again.
"I'm done, I'm done" Ford said as he took the small slice of flesh into the Petri dish. Fidd then drew Iden in close and gave him a hug.
"it's okay, it's okay, it's all over now" Fidd whispered and kissed Iden's squishy head.
"But Fidd I need to clean his cut" Ford said as he pulled out an antiseptic wipe. "Fine just make it quick" Fidd grabbed Iden's arm and exposed it to Ford. They watched in wonder as his flesh bonded together over his cut, the only evidence to suggest the cut had ever been there was a small scar.

Fidd let go of Iden's arm and looked at Ford. They exchanged shocked expressions.
"I better get this tissue sample analysed quick and write that down in the journal" Ford said excitedly as he got up and walked to the elevator to go down to the lab.

Fidd looked down at the little Iden. He kissed him on the fore head. "This is best thing that could ever happen to us" he whispered to himself, gazing in to Iden's giant eyes.

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