Chapter 12

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Fidd and Ford looked apon him sternly.
"What do you have to say for yourself?" Fidd interrogated.
"I'm sorry" Iden looked down at the floor. Fidd was about to speak but Ford stopped him.
"I will talk to him, you sort out what's left of dinner". Fidd slowly nodded then turned around to tend to the vegetables.
"Iden come with me" Ford walked into the living room and Iden trailed behind him.

Ford sat on the floor. He patted the ground next to him. Iden took the hint and sat down beside Ford.
"Do you know you really hurt your dad?" Ford spoke softly. Iden looked down at the floor and didn't respond.
"I bet you saw the bruise on his cheek?" Ford quickly glanced down at Iden then back to staring into emptiness. Iden nodded slowly, still looking at the floor.
"I know you didn't mean it"
"I didn't, I really didn't mean to hurt him" Iden cried out looking up at Ford.
"I know" Ford whispered as he looked down at his crying child.
"Why am I stronger than every one and how come I don't look like you or dad? I'm just weird" Iden muttered to himself. Ford looked down at Iden, his eyes filled with tears.
"Your not weird. You are amazing. Never forget that, okay?" Ford patted him on the back.
"Look at my hands, see I have six fingers. I'm the weird one but weird is unique and unique is amazing" Ford looked deep into Iden's eyes.
"Thanks dad" Iden smiled.
"But please try not to take it out in anger. You hurt your dad and he loves you so much, we both do" Ford smiled at Iden.
"Okay" Iden looked back down at the floor.
"Now go and apologise to your dad and give him a hug" Ford patted him on the back. Iden then got up from the floor and ran into the kitchen. Ford soon followed after.

Ford walked around the corner to find Fiddleford kneeling on the floor hugging Iden. Ford was extremely happy at the sight of Fidd's warm smile.
"I'm sorry dad" Iden whispered.
"I know you are. I love you" Fidd whispered back. Ford then came in the room and joined the hug.
"I love you both" Ford whispered.

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