Chapter 15

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It was the middle of the night. Moonlight was streaming in through the window. Ford awoke, the bed was empty. He thought it was peculiar that Fidd wasn't beside him. Fidd usually slept through the night and would always  be tucked up next to Ford. He herd a commotion coming from the kitchen. Ford left the bed and headed toward the noise.

Ford stood in horror as he looked apon the violent scene. Iden was huge about ten feet tall. He was sat on top of Fidd's unconscious body with both hands on his throat. Iden was violently shaking Fidd. There were cuts all over Fidd's face and arms. Ford gasped as Iden looked up at him. His grip on Fidd's throat loosened. His eyes were red and his hands covered in blood. Iden got up and leaped toward Ford.  

At that moment Ford woke from his nightmare. Fidd was staring at him with fear in his eyes. Fords breathing was heavy, sweat poured down his face and a few tears had formed in the corner of his eyes.
"Are you okay?" Fidd grabbed hold of Fords hand.
"Yeah, I'm fine" Ford exhaled deeply.
"You sure? You don't look fine" Fidd rubbed his thumb over the top of Fords hand for reassurance. "what was it this time?" Fidd asked softly.
"I don't know how to say it" Ford wiped the sweat from his forehead.
"Um. Iden was huge and um I think he killed you, I'm not sure, and then he came for me" Ford looked up at Fidd.  He had a terrified expression on his face.
"That's awful. Y-you don't think it was your subconscious showing what Iden could do?" Fidd stuttered as he gripped hold of Fords other hand.
"No. No. It was just a bad dream. Nothing to be afraid of, I'm sure of it" Ford then leaned in and kissed Fidd on the cheek. Fidd smiled and kissed his nose in return. They both then laid back down. Ford then slipped his arm over Fidd's side and spooned him.
"I love you" Ford whispered in Fidd's ear.
"I love you too" Fidd whispered back. They both then laid there, content with staying in each other's company. Fords mind was still racing about what he witnessed, he couldn't get the image of Fidd's lifeless body out of his head. His stomach turned at the thought of it. Fidd could sense he was still uneasy about his nightmare. Fidd then grasped hold of Fords hand tightly to let him know everything ok and that he was fine. Ford settled at the feel of Fidd's touch. He nuzzled his face into the back of Fidd's neck.
"Thank you" Ford whispered
"Anything for you darling" Fidd smiled.

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