Chapter 18

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About a year had past Iden had grown mentally and physically. He was huge. He towered above both Ford and Fidd. Even though Ford and Fidd had decided to keep Iden in the house he was becoming restless. He was growing to big for the house and needed more stimulation. He needed the outside.

Fidd and Ford had been contemplating about what to do with him; keep him in the house or let him live in the bunker. It was a hard decision but it had to be done.

One morning Fidd and Ford had brought Iden to the table to talk about what they thought would be best.
"Iden, your father and I have noticed that you seem to be a bit restless" Fidd asked in concern.
"I fine" Iden muttered in annoyance.
"Are you sure. You just seem really frustrated" Ford uttered from across the table.
"Look, me and your father just think you might like to live in the bunker now" Fidd placed his hand on Fords. Iden perked up intrigued with what he was hearing.
"Maybe" Iden shrugged.
"Well you will get your own place and will be able to explore a wider space" Ford placed his arm around Fidd.
"And we will always go down to see you" Fidd smiled.
"Okay" Iden looked up at his parents. Fidd tried to look happy by  putting on a smile but on the inside he was breaking. His child had agreed to leave. Ford knew how Fidd was feeling and gently squeezed his arm on Fidd's shoulder just to reassure him. Fidd looked up at Ford and smiled softly.
"Well, when do you want to go?" Ford looked back at Iden.
"I don't know" Iden shrugged.
"Okay. We will leave you to decide. We have to do some work on the portal. Okay?" Ford patted Fidd's back. Fidd and Ford got up from the table and headed for the elevator.
"I love you dear" Fidd spoke from across the room.
"I love you too dad" Iden replied.
"See you in a couple hours" Ford said as they stepped into the elevator and rode it down to the third floor.

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