Chapter 11

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Months had past. Iden had doubled in height. He wasn't as tall as his parents but his strength was tremendous. He was far more powerful than Ford and Fidd combined. Iden didn't know his own strength and the fact that he did hurt his dad's when he hit them or accidentally ran into them.

One day Fidd was preparing dinner in the kitchen. Ford was in his study, working on some blue prints for the portal. Fidd was keeping an eye on Iden who was playing at the kitchen table.
"Dad, can I have some sweets?" Iden asked
"No, dinner will be ready soon. I don't want you to ruin your appetite" Fidd demanded whilst slicing up some vegetables. Suddenly Iden got up from the table and moved around to kitchen cabinets. He then jumped up into the counter and reached for the cupboard that held sweets. Fiddleford then looked up in surprise to see what was happening.
"I said no!" Fidd exclaimed. Iden ignored Fiddleford and opened the cabinet.
"IDEN!" Fidd raised his voice in anger. He then grabbed hold of Iden's waist and pulled him away from the cupboard.
"Dad" Iden moaned in frustration.
"I said no, iden"
Just then Iden swung his hand around and smacked Fidd in the face. Fiddleford yelped in pain. Iden was significantly stronger than Fidd and a lot of power was put into the effortless motion. He let go of Iden as he clutched his face. Tears filled Fidd's eyes, he couldn't believe something he loved so dear could have hurt him like this.
"Go to your room" Fidd whimpered trying to stay calm and in control. Iden huffed and did as he was told. As soon as Iden was out of sight Fidd ran to the elevator to find comfort in Ford.

Fidd was standing in the elevator. Tears rolled down his face, he was wheezing and was holding onto the spot where Iden had hit him. Ford heard the elevator as it came to a stop. He turned around to see whoever was coming to see him. Ford stood in shock as the doors opened to show his lover staring back at him with tears rolling down his face.
"Fidd what's wrong" Ford ran over to comfort Fidd. Ford wrapped his arms around him and kissed his forehead.
"My dear are you okay? What's wrong?" Ford looked him in his tearful eyes.
"He hit me, really hard" Fidd whimpered as he held onto his cheek.
"Let me see" Ford pulled away Fidd's hand.
"That's really swollen and it's already bruised" Ford said whilst looking over Fidd's wound.
"I'm surprised you didn't loose any teeth! What happened?"
"Well, um, I was preparing dinner and Iden was playing at the table. Then he asked if he could have some sweets but I said no. He disobeyed me and trying to steal some for the cupboard" Fidd paused to take in a breath. "Then I caught him, so I told him no again but he didn't listen. So I tried to pull him away and that's when he swung his arm at me" Fidd whimpered.
"Where is he now?"
"I sent him to his bed. OH SHIT! The dinner!" Fidd screamed as he realised he had left the dinner in the oven. They both ran toward the elevator before the house caught on fire.

Fidd opened the oven door. Black smoke poured out. Fidd began to cough and splutter.
"I think it's cooked" Ford chuckled as Fidd pulled out the charcoal coloured chicken.
"Ya think?" Fidd wasn't amused with Fords joke. Just then Iden slowly entered the room.

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