Chapter 21

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Iden took a swing at Ford but missed. Stanford rifled through his bag to find his magnet gun. Iden then morphed into a centipede type creature and rampaged toward Stanford. Ford frantically searched until he found it he had little time to aim and shoot it at Iden. He hit him, right in the chest. He was lying on the floor, violently shaking because he was hit with such a high electrical impulse.
"I'm sorry Iden" Ford leaned down and kissed his head for the last time. Iden couldn't move, he was paralysed but he could muster these few words "I will get you Stanford pines" his voice was deep and terrifying.
"Good bye Iden. It was fun having a son and I'm sorry it turned out this way" Ford whispered as he grabbed his bag and exited the dark bunker.
"Ford how could ya do this to our son" Iden imitated Fiddleford. Ford shakily turned around to look at Iden. Ford just snivelled and wiped a tear from his eye, he then left the bunker. Tears rolled down Iden's stiff face as he heard the rusty doors close for the final time. He was fearful about what will happen to him, he feared he would be trapped in this bunker forever. Alone with nothing but his crazy Mind as company. He vowed that If he ever got the chance he would steal the journal, the mere reason Ford kept him, and use it to destroy Stanford pines.

(Thus we conclude our story. Hope you all enjoyed reading it. I do have some more little fiddauthor fanfics that I will be release shortly. Thank you for reading)

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2016 ⏰

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