Chapter 10

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Fidd found Ford sitting at the kitchen table going over some work. Fidd came up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder.
"You okay?" Fiddleford asked with a warm smile.
"I'm fine Fidd, it was just a bit of a shock" Ford still looking apon his work.
"He did get really upset. I'm glad you made up though" Fidd leaned over Ford and hugged his waist.

"Iden is fast asleep" Fidd whispered in Fords ear.
"What do you mean by that?" Ford whispered back.
"Nothing, I just figured you would like to know"
"Oh no, you didn't mean that" Ford smiled over his shoulder at Fidd.
"What did I mean then?" Fidd smiled with a slight hint of flirtation in his voice.
"This" Ford leaned in and passionately kissed Fidd's lips. They soon had to pull away for air.
"Should we take this to the bedroom?" Fidd whispered. Ford smiled then got up from his chair and picked up Fidd and carried him to the bedroom.

Ford placed Fidd onto the bed and sat down beside him. Ford then reached up and held Fidd's face. As he did this he leaned in and kissed Fidd passionately on the lips. Slowly Ford pushed into Fidd, asking him to lay down. Fidd then leaned backwards until his back hit the soft mattress. They pulled apart for air. They locked eyes as Ford moved his body over onto Fidd's. They kissed once again. Fidd closed his eyes in pleasure, letting out small groans as they pulled apart. Ford then began to moved down to Fidd's neck. Planting small, gentle kisses across his neck. Fidd whimpered with joy. Ford then began to nibble at sensitive parts of his neck. Fidd couldn't help but yelp from excitement. Every time he yelped Ford paused "shh" he whispered before resuming at Fidd's neck. He was trying to keep him quiet, not to wake up Iden. Ford then began to gently thrust his hips against Fidd. He couldn't handle this he began to groan and unbutton Fords shirt.
"Shh, you-you'll wake up Iden" Ford stammered half concentrated on Fidd and half concentrated on his speech. Fidd just gave out a large exhale. His heart was pounding in his chest. They hadn't done anything like this since they got Iden. Ford resumed on Fidd's neck, his waist began to thrust harder and faster. He then bit into Fidd's neck at the perfect spot. Fidd couldn't contain himself. He flicked his head back and screamed
"OH FORD!". They both froze. Fidd looked at Ford with a scared expression on his face. They didn't move in fear they had woke up Iden.

Soon the door creaked open. Iden stood in the door way.
"I can't sleep. Can I stay in here with you?" Iden asked as he rubbed his eyes. Ford looked at Fidd with wide eyes.
"Of course you can sweetie" Fidd smiled.
"What are you doing?" Iden asked as he walked toward the bed.
"Oh-um. I was just .um" Fidd stuttered trying to find a reasonable explanation. Ford had a surprised expression stuck on his face, he couldn't speak.
"Um, ur. Daddy was just, um giving me a, um a hug. Yeah a hug" Fidd looked up at Ford and shrugged. Ford then rolled off of Fidd. Iden crawled onto the bed and snuggled up under Fords arm.
"Goodnight" he said sleepily as he drifted off to sleep. Fidd and Ford looked down at their slumbering child. Fidd gave a deep exhale before he snuggled up under Fords other arm.
"Wait we're still in our clothes" Ford protested.
"You can go one night sleeping in normal clothes" Fidd yawned as his eyes drooped.
"Goodnight. I love you " Fidd kissed Ford's cheek.
"Goodnight, I love you too" Ford leaned down and kissed Fidd's head. Then they drifted off to sleep.

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