Chapter 16

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The next morning was dull and dreary. Storm clouds circled the sky, waiting for the perfect chance to rattle the earth with its ungodly power. Fidd and Ford were both laying in bed. Staring back at one another in stone cold silence. They both we still undecided about what to do about Iden. Ford was about to speak but Fidd stopped him.
"Please. Don't say anything. I don't want to talk about this" Fidd's lip quivered as he was about to burst into tears. Ford didn't say anything he just moved closer to Fidd and hugged him tightly.
"I don't want to let go of him" Fidd cried.
"Shh. It's okay. We love him, we always will and if you really don't want to put him in the bunker we won't. I would never do anything to upset you" Ford kissed the top of Fidd's head.
"Really?" Fidd pulled away from Fords chest.
"I promise"
"I know what has to be done. For Iden's benefit and our safety" Fidd wiped away some tears.
"We need to put him in the bunker. It's our best choice, he wouldn't know how to survive in the wild and  his temper could get out of hand one day" Fidd snivelled.
"Are you sure about this?" Ford looked him in the eyes.
"Yes" Fidd sighed.
"I know this is hard but it's for the best and its not like we won't go and care for him every day" Ford hugged him once more.
"I hope we are making the right choice" Fidd looked up at Ford.
"I'm sure we are" Ford kissed Fidd's nose.

Fidd then sat up and flung the covers off of himself.
"Come on. Let's get this over with before I change my mind" Fidd grabbed hold of Fords hand and pulled him out of the bed.

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