Chapter 14

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That night Fidd and Ford sat in bed. They hadn't seen Iden since the Incident that morning. Fidd looked over at Ford, his eyes were filling with tears. Ford looked back at him and opened his arms welcoming Fidd in for a hug. Fidd slumped his head into Fords chest. Ford closed his arms around Fidd's back.
"What do we do Ford?" Fidd snivelled.
"I-I don't know Fidd" his grip around him tightened.
"He-he's becoming dangerous Fidd. We can't ignore that"
Fidd pulled away from ford.
"What do you mean?" Fidd's lip quivered.
"He could have easily hurt us today" Ford grabbed hold of Fidd's hand.
"B-but he didn't" Fidd tried to pull his hand away but Ford gripped it tightly.
"Your cheek is still bruised from where he hit you. I-I just don't think it's safe anymore" Ford looked Fidd directly in the eyes.
"He's our son. We love him" Fidd whimpered.
"Of course we love him but i don't know what I would do with myself if he hurt you again. It could be worse next time" Ford stroked Fidd's cheek.
"What do you think we should do?"
"There is always the bunker in the woods"
"We can't put him there. It's cold and dark and-"
"And he will be safe down there. We can always go down and see him. I think it's the best option we have" Ford grasped hold of Fidd's shoulders.
"I feel that we are abandoning him. He is still only young. He's our child" tears dripped from Fidd's eyes. Ford wiped away his tears.
"It's just a suggestion. Maybe we should sleep on it tonight and ask what he wants in the morning" Ford whispered. Fidd nodded as he wiped his tears away. Ford leaned in and kissed Fidd's nose.
"I love you" Ford whispered
"I love you too" Fidd replied.
Fidd then reached behind him and turned off the lamp. They both laid in bed for a while content in each others company but they both found it hard to sleep not knowing what the morning held for them and their  family.

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