Chapter 19

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The Time had come for Iden to leave the house and live in the bunker. He didn't have many possessions, just his teddy and some other stuff but not much. Fidd and Ford decided they would take him during the night to minimise this risk of being seen.
Even though they had been given time to prepare for this day, Fidd and Ford couldn't help but feel a little uneasy about letting their son move out, but it was for the best.

"Ready?" Fidd smiled trying to sound confident but was failing.
"Yes, for the fifth time I'm ready can we go now?" Iden huffed in annoyance.
"Fine. We just wanted to make sure you had everything you need before we leave" Ford said as he walked toward the door.
"I only have like five things. Can we please just go?" Iden huffed once more.
"Fine, lets go whilst their is no one around" Ford said peering out of the front door to check it was clear.  Ford then lifted his hand and waved toward himself, giving the signal for them to leave. Iden had never been outside before. He had always looked out of the window but he had never felt grass on his skin. He had never felt a cool breeze of air blow against him. He had never smelt the sweet forest air. He wanted to stay in this moment forever, looking at all of the stimuli the outside world had to offer. Suddenly Ford grabbed Iden's arm "Iden I know this is all new to you but we must keep moving". Iden nodded and they continued on into the woods.

Soon they came to the foot of a large redwood tree. Ford approached it and pulled out a magnet gun. He aimed it up to a small branch on the tree. He fired an electrical impulse toward the branch and pulled it toward him. The lever squeaked as it moved. Suddenly the floor around the tree sunk down into the ground. Then steps shot out from shrunken tree base.
"Come on" Ford beckoned as he walked steps.
"Wait. We're going underground?" Iden asked In confusion.
"Don't worry it's nice down there" Fidd patted him in the arm then led him down the spiral staircase.

Inside the bunker Ford began to set up a bed for Iden and where he would live.
"Well, here you go. You can go anywhere you like but you can't leave the bunker cause it's really dangerous if you leave" Ford explained whilst pointing his arm around the dark bunker.
"Okay. I understand, I can't leave. You have said that like twenty times already" Iden rolled his eyes.
"We know but we just want to make sure you stay safe" Fidd said softly.
"We will leave you too it. We will be back in the morning. We love you my dear" Fidd moved toward Iden and hugged him tightly.
"Bye dad. I love you too" Iden whispered as Fidd broke away from the hug.
"Behave yourself Iden" Ford said as he waved goodbye and walked out of the room with Fiddleford clinging onto his arm.
"Bye guys!" Iden waved back.

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