Part Eleven

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My first steps into the new world were... shaky as I stumbled forward. The only thing that kept me on my feet was the horse's reins clutched tightly in my hand.

Once I regained my footing, I raised my hand to shield my eyes from the blazing sun, and took my first look at Ravka.

Forests and forests of bright green trees spread out before us. Not a single person could be seen for miles, but off in the distance was a lonely dirt road.

People began to mount their horses, so I swiftly followed. I swung my leg up and over, and slide into the saddle.

Our horses started off into the woods at a swift pace. What was the big hurry if we were already in Ravka?

The Darkling stayed close to me as I took in the first around me.

The trees and plant-life was almost exactly the same as the forests of my home. I watched with wide eyes as a small honey bee floated past.

And the whole time I was in awe, I felt the Darkling's gray gaze burning into me.

The hot summer sun beat down on us as we pasted a colorful field filled to the brim with wild flowers.

And right after it was the little dirt road, all abandoned and alone.

The Darkling left me then and made his way to the front of the line where Ivan was waiting.

All of the Grisha seemed nervous and jittery, like a small child knowingly coming wrong.


We raced down the dirt road for days before we finally reached a town. I didn't think Ravka's wilderness was this vast.

Thankfully, I was not bothered by the twins until we stopped a few miles outside of a bustling town. I could always see them watching me from the corner of my eye. Ann would always seem willing to approach, but Marie always dragged her back at the last second.

And in the other corner of my eye, I could see the Darkling's calculating eyes reading me like a textbook.


We stopped at the edge of the forest, the green trees swaying above us. Ahead of us was nothing but miles and miles of orange fields full of workers. The fields ended just before the city began.

"Get changed." The Darkling's cool voice easily cut through the mumbling of the riders.

I looked on with curious eyes as the Grisha dismounted. They were pulling articles of clothing from their saddle bags and heading off into the woods.

My eyes skilled from Grisha to Grisha, wonder what in the world they were doing, until my eyes landed on the Darkling's. He was watching me again while conversing with Kristina, his gaze as cold as ever.

Kristina nodded at whatever he said before making her way over to me with a bundle of cloth.

When she reached me, I realized with a small jolt what the Grisha were doing. They were changing out of their keftas and into common clothing.

I remembered from Siege and Storm that the remaining Grisha of Ravka were on thin ice with the Royal family. It would explain why they were changing.

Kristina cleared her throat before talking. "You are to change into this. It'll be too large since you are such a small little girl, but it'll have to do for now." I cringed at the use of 'little girl'. I was seventeen! Hardly a little girl.

She thrust the clothes at me before turning on her heel and marching back to her horse.

I slid from the saddle and slowly made my way behind some bushes and shrubs.

I caught the Darkling's eye, again, before I dunked behind the bush.

Wouldn't people recognize the Darkling, even if he was dressed in rags? What was the point of the disguise if we were in Ravka?

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and focused on changing.

The clothing she had given me was a simple woolen red dress. The red was so muted and worn that it looked almost pink.

I slipped it down over my head and pulled my arms through the sleeves. I glanced down at myself. Kristina had gotten one thing right. It was way to large on me. The long off red sleeves fell past my fingertips so that my whole hand was covered by the fabric. The cottony skirt normally should have reached a person's ankles, but on me, it fell all the way to the ground, so that I had to lift it to walk without tripping.

I sighed. I guess it would have to do so that I didn't stick out so horribly bad, like a sore thumb.

I gathered my discarded clothes off the ground and headed back out to everyone else.

Everyone but two riders were seated in their saddles, facing forward and ready to leave.

I found my horse and slipped my clothes into a saddle back before I lifted myself up onto the horse.

When I was upright and facing the Darkling like everyone else, Ann and Marie emerged out of the bushes. They were both clothed in faded yellow dresses that would have been large on me. The poor girls looked like children playing dress up in their mother's clothing.

They somehow managed to get themselves into their saddles and were prepared to leave.

The Darkling raised his voice and caught everyone's attention. "Split into four groups. We shall meet at the docks of the Zimniyevolny. Ivan, you will lead the first group. Kristina the second, and Michail the third. I shall bring up the rear."

Everyone scrambled to do his bidding and split up. Ann, Marie, and I all sat still, neither of us moving a muscle. I was not sure what to do, or why we were splitting up in the first place!

"You'll be coming with me, Lassie." I jumped. The Darkling was right beside me, his black steed stomping his hoof in the dirt of the road.

"OK." I said cautiously while trying to tamp down the fast bearing of my heart.

"The trackers will come with us as well." He said, his cool voice distant.

He was trying to keep watch over us!

"Of course," I replied, trying to match my voice to the same coolness as his.

He nodded at me, a strange light within his eyes, before he rode over to the twins.

I glanced around me and realized that Ivan's and Kristina's groups had already left, and Michail's group was on their way to leaving.

Soon they were gone and it was our turn to take off pounding down the dirt road.

I took a deep breath and kicked my horse into a canter behind the Darkling's black stallion.

Author's Note Ahead→

Hey guys! So, this was more of a filler chapter! Sorry it took so long to update. I have been busy with finals these past few weeks. Finally they are over! Hope you enjoyed! Please don't forget to vote. XD

Songs for this chapter are:

My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark by Fall Out Boy (Because I am listening to it as I write this!)

And 20 Dollar Nose Bleed by Fall Out Boy (because Fall Out Boy!)

Saints' Speed

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