The Note

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Leo's POV.

I rushed home looking for Skye. I searched every single room, but there was no sign of her, except for the note she left on my bed.

It read:

Babe, I'm gonna stop apologizing to you. I don't want to hear your apologies or your promises like :

"I'll never hurt you again" or "Im sorry...I love you" because it won't work. I've heard it too many times before.

Maybe I should forgive you. Anger and jealousy drive people to do crazy things....I don't know what I should do.

I loved you so much, I couldn't explain it to made me feel like I was your one and only. You made me feel special, even though I felt like I wasn't good enough. I thought you were different, different than any other guy I've met; one who would treat me like a queen, give me respect, give me the world, give me love.

I remember when we were little kids, and I was scared of thunder.

I still am.

Anyway, your father used to bring you over whenever I would have a sleepover. I would lay on my bed, while you had your own little sleeping bag on the floor. At night, I would get scared of the lightning and start crying beneath my covers.

You would always ask me why I would cry so much, and why I was scared of thunder. I'd always rest my head on your shoulder and you'd tell me not to worry because you would protect me. Then you would play your little guitar to help me fall asleep...I remember that red guitar very well. It reminds me of you...of our love...of us.

But I'm sorry to say that I can't deal with you and your bullshit anymore, Leo. I'm sorry to break your heart, but you've broken mine too much to the point where it will no longer be able to mend itself. I chose to follow my heart, and look at where it landed me...into the arms of a player, into the arms of someone I can no longer trust. And now, you've lost the best thing that ever happened to you, ME.

P.S. Don't bother to look for me...I'm probably somewhere far away by now...and if someone asks about you...You're just somebody that I used to know.

Leo's POV

I fucked up big time....I gotta go find her....


Skye's POV

My vision is black, though my eyes are open wide. I have a blindfold on my eyes and my hands and legs are tied to a pole. I try body to hopefully shake off part of the rope.

It didn't work.

I try moving my face, and Then I heard footsteps.....

I struggled trying to get free..but my kidnapper laughed at my unsuccessful attempts.

His laugh sounded vaguely familiar.

"Who are you?"

"And why did you kidnap me?"

? : You really don't know who I am?!?!? Well maybe this will help you remember!

He immediately wrapped his strong hands around my entire throat...and right before I went unconscious, I was able to reveal his name....MATEO.


Hey guys, sorry if it wasn't as long as you may have liked but I tried to make this chapter as interesting as possible!

Remember to:



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