1.finding her

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Shawn is 21 yrs in this book.
Aaliyah is 18 yrs old
Shawn pov

No, aaliyah.

Please! I will do anything! Say aaliyah.

Why can't you ask dad?

Because he sayed no.say aaliyah.

And what will make your think i will say yes to let you borrow my car?

Because you love me.say aaliyah.

I need another reason. Then i put my jacket on.

Because you are my favorite brother. Say aaliyah.

Nice try.then i grab my keys.

Come Shawn! What i supposed to do all day without a car?asked aaliyah

I don't know and don't care.then she smack her lips together.

Okay.if you want to you invite some friends over.

Yes! Thanks. Say aaliyah.

But please don't break my house while i am gone.

No promises. Say aaliyah while dialing in her phone.then i walk out the house and to my car.i drove to the studio.

Andrew, what you want?

For you to learn how balance responsibilities. Say andrew.

Drew,i do that now.

How?asked Andrew.

Watching my sister and singing.

You don't watch your sister. Say andrew.


What she is doing now? Asked andrew.

Inviting her frien- oh sh*t!

My point.so,i want you to adopt-then i cut him off.

I am not adopting a pet!

Shut up and listen. I want you to adopt a child.say andrew.

Fine.i will show i can balance my responsibilities. Then I drove to a orphanage.

Maxine pov

that is maxine 🔝

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that is maxine 🔝

I ran after Lenny because he hit me on my head.everyone knows I am the head boss in charge. So,nobody mess with me and gets away with it. I started punching Lenny.

Maxine!yelled Trixie. She is teenager that thinks she is the boss. Then I look her.

Maxine,you can't fight everyone. Say Trixie. Then i gave her i-don't-care look.since i don't talk because personal reasons i let my actions speak for me.then Lenny ran away. Oh man,now i have to find him again!then i kicked Trixie in the leg.

Adopted By Shawn Mendes (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now