27.pack your bags

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(1 week later)
Maxine pov

I eat my cereal while camila walked in.

Maxine,I am sorry it was last minute!say camila while hugging me

Last time for what?

You didn't tell her?!!say camila.

I was about to.say papa.

Tell me what!?!

That me and camila are going to new York for interview.in three days.our flight leaves night.say papa while looking worried.I grabbed my clutches and quickly went outside.

You better not climb that tree.say papa. I sat down and lean against the tree with my arms folded. He can't leave me! You never supposed leave your ohana behind! I can't believe he not taking me with him!

Maxine,I am sorry that I will be leaving you but at least you get to hang out with aaliyah until I come back. Say papa.

Go away!

Maxine, don't be mad.say papa.

Too.late!then he is sighed. I picked me up.

Put me down!

Stop mad at me first. Say papa.

No.then he started tickling me.

Stop being mad.say papa.I started giggling.

I am not mad.then I hugged him.he put me down.I grab my clutches and walked to the living room. I lay my head on the arm rest and let my good leg hang off the side of the couch.


What? Asked papa while walking in with camila.

I need the remote.

Maxine,it is the table. Say camila.

It is too far.

I have one lazy daughter. Say papa.

So,get the remote.then he give the you-better-rephase-that-sentence look.

Sorry.wrong person.camila get the remote.

No.say camila.

Corner. Say papa.


Corner.say papa.

Yeah.the corner the table is where the remote is so give it to me.

Camila,go get me a fly swatter. Please. Say papa.fly swatter?I don't a fly in here. Then papa sat down and lay my across his lap.he hit me 10 times with the swatter on my bum.

Corner in your room.say papa. I walked to the corner in my room. I saw papa packing my suitcase.

How long will you be gone?

Just a week.say papa while looking in my closet.

Why I can't come with you!?

Because aaliyah wanted to watch you. Say papa.

Tell her no.

Too late.I tolled her yes.say papa while digging in my dresser.

But I don't want to stay with aaliyah.

Maxine,you not supposed to be talking while being in the corner time.say papa while folding the clothes and placing them in the suitcase.

~7 minutes later ~

Times up.say papa.then he walked to his room.I walk behind him to see camila packing. I hop on the bed.

Shawn!yelled a voice.

In my room,aaliyah! Yelled papa.then she walk in.

Hi camila.say aaliyah.

Hey.say camila.

Maxine,you ready to go?asked aaliyah.


She is.maxine behave. Say papa.

No promises.then camila hugged me.

See ya later.say camila.then papa picked me up and hugged me.

Love ya.say papa.

Aaliyah, she is not to be walking without her clutches. Say papa.then he put my bag in the car.

I got it.say aaliyah.I hopped in the passenger seat. Aaliyah drove away.I stare at the window while hoping this a week will go fast.

Adopted By Shawn Mendes (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now